Search results

  1. Kritastrophe

    Overcrowding or ok?

    Little side step on the topic based on the most recent discussion. I think educated people hold value over mere personal observation. For example I’ve witnessed a multitude of surgeries by doctors in ORs because I was a diagnostic imaging technician and provided fluoro, x rays, etc when I was...
  2. Kritastrophe

    What's wrong?

    Cut the dying leaves off at the base. If it has new growth coming in I’d just monitor it for now. Could be a mineral deficiency or if you haven’t had it long some melting. The white color could also be something growing on the leaves. Hard to tell if it’s just the light hitting the leaves or...
  3. Kritastrophe

    I think I may have MTS

    Beautiful Betta’s. Picture incoming of the third one soon? Ha ha.
  4. Kritastrophe

    Rope fish

    Reminds me of snakes. Not for me! Very cool looking tank, rope fish, and Bichir though!
  5. Kritastrophe

    I want some color without overcrowding.

    Your picture looks like a female BN pleco with the shape of the head and the spots. If you got a 20 gallon minimum you could keep one of the BN pleco’s but you’d be at the minimum. Have to agree with everyone else and say rehome or see if a ma and pa shop near you would take them. It’s not their...
  6. Kritastrophe

    Wanted to give an update on the moving of my fish...

    Looks amazing! Are those rock walls on each side? Really cool.
  7. Kritastrophe

    I want some color without overcrowding.

    One way to tell if they are BN pleco’s is by the shape of their head. They have really flat heads. Their heads are very different from other pleco’s as far as shape goes - shorter, flatter, wider.
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  10. Kritastrophe

    Snail breeding tank.

    When I was a kid I had a tank where some snails hitched in on live plants and bred like crazy which was unwanted. After that I’ve only ever intentionally introduced nerite snails because they will only reproduce in brackish conditions. What do you do with your snail offspring? Have you ever had...
  11. Kritastrophe

    I think I may have MTS

    I have a tank in the office that I just mess with my husband with. He used to complain it was setup and empty so I put a nerite snail in the tank, and I move stuff around in it periodically. One time I wrote red rum in the algae on the glass closest to his desk and told him the snail did it...
  12. Kritastrophe

    Breeding CPD

    I was medical in USAF so I always see CPD and think chronic pulmonary disease. Confuses me for a a split second every time. Wish you success on breeding CPD!
  13. Kritastrophe

    I think I may have MTS

    Can you have too many fish tanks? Maybe... but I haven’t reached that number yet. :rofl:
  14. Kritastrophe

    Floating Cory

    Ph high of 8.4 dropping to 6 is a significant change. You’re going two entirely different spectrums in less than 24 hours.
  15. Kritastrophe

    Floating Cory

    Colin just posted on another thread today about low kh and changing ph issues for another member and adding calcium via limestone, shells, etc to help. Here’s the thread if you want to take a look. Might help you with your low - 0 kh and greater than 0.2 ph shifts in under a 24 hour period...
  16. Kritastrophe

    Floating Cory

    I never talked about altering the ph just about stabilizing the greater than 0.2 ph shifts under a 24 hour period that are occurring in the op’s tank via water changes. My commentary on adding calcium or magnesium was in regards to noting scientific articles having success with negating...
  17. Kritastrophe

    What is this growth on my pleco?

    It looks like he’s flexing his spines out. Do they only pop out sometimes?
  18. Kritastrophe

    Floating Cory

    One other thing to think about is that you want to make the water more stable and not just try to change the ph, but stabilize it. I’ve read adding calcium and magnesium can help increase stability and assist in maintaining a stable ph. Unfortunately water chemistry alterations in regards to kh...
  19. Kritastrophe

    Floating Cory

    I was wondering if your ph might be fluctuating with your zero kh! Having low kh increases changes in ph and when drastic ph changes occur you get what’s called ph shock. Which is not a good thing for your fish. I’ve read in some fish articles that people with a low kh can maintain a more stable...
  20. Kritastrophe

    What’s On The Menu Tonight?

    Mine just got flakes and pellets tonight. Saturday they get their happy weekend frozen yum yums.
  21. Kritastrophe

    Plucky the Pleco

    I’ll try that. I love my pleco so hopefully the behavior at least slows down a little. It’s been more intense since I moved him into a larger tank.
  22. Kritastrophe

    Plucky the Pleco

    Lately I’ve been having some disagreements with my BN Pleco Plucky in regards to the terrain changes he’s been making. First off he has a significant amount of hiding places to include a real driftwood hill, cichlid hiding stones, a faux driftwood tunnel, live planted cover, etc. Yet... he acts...
  23. Kritastrophe

    Please Help Me Major Emergency!

    Filter sponge goes over the intake and you’d see a rise in ammonia and nitrite levels if you lost your cycle.
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  25. Kritastrophe

    When you know...

    Cenotes are like ponds. The ones I went to look like the picture above. That’s not a picture I took but looks like the cenotes I was swimming in and jumping into with the unknown nippy fish. No sharks as far as I know. o_O However when I was in Kawaii I was snorkeling off the coast and saw a...
  26. Kritastrophe

    Please Help Me Major Emergency!

    Did you put your fish back in the tank? I would hold off like Colin said until you have done the water changes and so as not to overly stress them by moving them when they are still weak. On top of that I’m not sure if the chemicals might have killed your beneficial bacteria and if you find out...
  27. Kritastrophe

    When you know...

    I’ve never had goldfish, but the long fin dragging on your skin sounds cool like they are petting you. My mom had a bunch of full grown koi out in a large pond in our backyard when I was younger and whenever I’d help her with maintenance they’d occasionally nip at our legs which made us walk...
  28. Kritastrophe

    When you know...

    Oscar would freak me out too. I used to work for someone that had a huge Oscar in her 200 gallon bar tank. He was like a dog aways coming over to greet anyone... I imagine he would have been all about her arm and hand when she cleaned. The tiger barbs not being stressed about me being in their...
  29. Kritastrophe

    When you know...

    Today I was doing some tank maintenance and usually my tiger barbs would watch my arm from a distance. Not today. Apparently they no longer fear me or are comfortable enough and think my arm is something to nibble on. I can honestly say that today was the first time I’ve had 12 tiger barbs...
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  31. Kritastrophe

    Please Help Me Major Emergency!

    I agree with Deanasue. The longer you wait the more time the chemicals have to permeate. If you have any wood I would take it out and soak and rinse it because wood can soak up toxins and leach them back out over time. Make sure when you do clean the tank to rinse any decor and use an aquarium...
  32. Kritastrophe

    Small low growing grasses?

    Dwarf hairgrass grows about 6” tall and spreads well. If you don’t want it to spread you can contain it in a pot. I have some in one of my tanks and it’s pretty easy to care for. You can trim the front, leaving it longer in the back to add some more visibility and dimension if you do let it...
  33. Kritastrophe

    Floating Cory

    Do you have an in house water filtration system or a ro system (aka culligan, etc)? Having a kh of zero means your ph can be majorly fluctuating in your tank because there is no stability at zero kh. Have you been monitoring the ph in your tank? While most corydoras prefer soft water they don’t...
  34. Kritastrophe

    Killifish ! Killifish!

    Are they home yet? Also, I thought there was a Betta in your tank. I was really confused for a few seconds there. Looks really good, hope to see pictures of your new fish soon!
  35. Kritastrophe

    This Is Texas!

    Our basement is half finished so it is a possibility in the finished half. Just tell your daughter the fish pays rent for the guest room. My 75 gallon is right by my chair. End tables are overrated... unless they have fish on them. :rofl:
  36. Kritastrophe

    This Is Texas!

    I have to ask - where do you put all those tanks? Ha ha! I have my two largest in the living room, one in my office and I’m putting one up in my daughters room this weekend. I feel like I’m going to have to start putting tanks in the basement or my bedroom if I get anymore. Do you have a...
  37. Kritastrophe

    Catfish identification help?

    The one furthest looks like a pepper, the one closest looks like a bronze.
  38. Kritastrophe

    Tank is home!

    It’s almost done! Have some more plants and rocks coming in to fill out the foreground. Inhabitants are 12 tiger barbs, 8 green Cory, Plucky the BN pleco, and George A “Romero” the blue ram. Ive had them for a while but was waiting to make sure they were all healthy etc before posting pictures...
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  40. Kritastrophe

    Meet Tex

    I might have to. I mean it would only be fair since I said the same thing to you. Ha ha!