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  1. F

    Switch From Gravel To Sand For Clown Loaches?

    Bit of bad preparation on my part. I've bought 2 clown loaches to see if they can sort my snail infestation after trying all other recommended methods. I didn't do any research on the loaches (bad practice I know) and realised after putting them in, the gravel strata in my tank may be too large...
  2. F

    Newbie problem or just unlucky

    Thanks for all your advice guys. Ponds are much easier aren't they! :huh:
  3. F

    Newbie problem or just unlucky

    I had another go this morning. It was belly up but when I tried to net it he swam off but in circles as if it had had a stroke and only the one side of fins was working. Again it looked as if it had haemorrhaged as there were burst blood vessels just behind the gill cover. Is this consitent with...
  4. F

    Newbie problem or just unlucky

    I have just set up a 40l tank and have been running it for about 2 weeks and have tested the water which was all ok. I stocked it Tuesday of this week with 5 silver tip tetra's as I'd read they would be good hardy starter fish. Yesterday one of the females was belly up and on removing her I...