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  1. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    :good: Thats great, thanks for the post I do actually trust what this lfs tells me unlike some others I`ve been to. I don`t mind the "faulty" tag it just makes her that bit more unique and who knows maybe in the future I could have my own batch of heart tails, not that I would have a clue where...
  2. LJEV

    Is starting to get the Betta bug

    Is starting to get the Betta bug
  3. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    I bought this female fighter today " Jules " and was told it was a rare heart tail fighter, not many about blah, blah, blah and just wondered if anyone on hear agreed. I`m not bothered if you say no she`s as common as they come as I think she looks great. Now I`ve just got to choose who gets her...
  4. my 3 fighters 1.jpg

    my 3 fighters 1.jpg

  5. LJEV

    Good News !

    Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice identifying the problem with my Fighter Fredddy ( I know its a weak name for a fighter but my 4 year old picked it as its his fish) after a night in the breeding tank hes looking like his old self, still not feeding that well but i`m confident he will...
  6. fighter 2.jpg

    fighter 2.jpg

  7. LJEV

    Looking For A New Betta

    Hi fluffycabbage This Betta is identical to the one I have that is currently unwell ( you commented on it earlier ), its a lovely fish It turns out as you`ve said above it probably the gouramis hassling it, I had no idea Gouramis did this. You live and learn.
  8. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    I now realise the fighter is a veil tail as fluffycabbage has posted some pictures of one on the betta forum tonight and its identical. So it doesn`t wory me as much now as you said they don`t really flare their fins but hes still behaving very timidly. lets see what tommorow brings.
  9. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    Thanks for the welcome as you know I have double posted this question and I`ve had a good response, the common opinion is my Betta is probably been harrased either by the angels or gourami`s as the water is testing fine No2=0 No3=10 PH=7.5 125l tank, temp 26-27C. Fish looks fine appart from...
  10. LJEV

    Test Kits Yes Or No

    I feel a bit out of my league commenting on general questions with seasoned fish keepers but I got my first tank about 3 months ago and now have 3. I started off using the tetra 6in1 test strips but found them not that accurate on results, I now use the Tetra single tests ( the dropplet ones )...
  11. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    Yes new betta tank as soon as shop opens tomorrow hopefully he`ll still be around to go in it. It seems a common opinion that some of my fish are going to get too big for my tank, but which ones ? as when I bought them (except for the angels which I knew would get big but was nieve when I got...
  12. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    small betta tank it is then. I cant just watch him die. The pain is ive got 3 tanks but the second ones got another fighter in it and the others got fry in it, I know which one he`d rather go in but im not sacrificing all my fry to him. Would you say if I used tank water to fill it and some...
  13. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    See this annoys me Whenever I buy a new fish I always have a list of the fish I have in the tank to show the sales person. The fighter was one of the first fish I bought and the only fish any of them have said might cause a problem would be the angels but they said as they are juveniles they...
  14. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    Hi Kat Which fish would you say are not suitable for my tank ? Whenever I buy a fish I alway ask what the expected adult size is and the only fish I thought might get too big would be the scissor tails ( told about 6" ) and the angels, whitch I regret buying as they`ve been nothing but...
  15. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    Sorry about the double post, new to the forum and just wanted fastest response, no need to use other one ill just read this one. The fighter is a double crown tail, or at least thats what they told me when i got him. His fins are very rounded as opposed to my red one that has very jagged fins...
  16. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    Do you think? all of the fish are quite juvenile only the angels, shark and scissortails are over 1" there about 2" its only 20 fish in a 125l tank. I thought i`d be ok with this. I dont mean this to sound confrontational in any way but reading what you have in your tank you list 30 fish in a...
  17. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    I have a 125l tank, well planted, with red tail black shark, 2 cory sterbai, 2 rasbora scissor tails,5 neons, 5 forktail rainbows, 2 honey gouramis, 3 angels and a clown plec but as I said the last fish added was the plec about 3 weeks ago and they all get allong fine.
  18. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    SORRY Let me re-write I put the sick fighter in an inspection tub and floated it in the same tank as the other fighter ( not with it )as I couldnt get a close look at it in my main tank but obviously they reacted when they saw each other but my concern was the sick one didnt really react at all...
  19. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    I have a stunning blue fighting fish in my main tank. I`ve had him for about 3 months but this morning he seems to be very tired and hes holding his fins very tight to his body. I`ve since done a water change but hes still behaving the same, none of the other fish are showing any symptoms. All...
  20. LJEV

    Help Needed !

    I have a stunning blue fighting fish in my main tank. I`ve had him for about 3 months but this morning he seems to be very tired and hes holding his fins very tight to his body. I`ve since done a water change but hes still behaving the same, none of the other fish are showing any symptoms. All...
  21. LJEV

    What's The Best Veg For Corydoras Sterbai

    Hi again So far everyone has been great at answering my questions so thanks. I have 4 cory sterbai amongst other fish in my tank. I feed all the fish a mix of flake, granules, alge wafers and live food. But have been told to supplement the corys with some greens. I've tried peas and cucumber...
  22. LJEV

    Should I Clean The Filter Every Water Change ?

    Thanks all Taking the average of whats been said I think I`ll just give the sponge a swish in the water every week when I do a change rather than constantly squeezing like I have been. I`m just pricing up having a 6`6" tank fitted in my kitchen wall, will look amazing when its done. :hyper...
  23. LJEV

    Should I Clean The Filter Every Water Change ?

    I do a 10% water change every week without fail and have been cleaning the filter in the mucky water every week as well but I've read in quite a few places that the filter is better cleaned about once a month. Which is best ?. I have an internal sponge filter.
  24. LJEV

    Whats The Going Rate For Selling Guppy Fry To Lfs ?

    They mentioned it to me. I had previously bought male guppies from them and when I later bought females it was obvious i was going to breed them. They sell guppies at £1.25 each or 5 for £5 so buying for 30p from customers keeps you buying from them and makes them a tidy profit. So they asked me...
  25. LJEV

    Whats The Going Rate For Selling Guppy Fry To Lfs ?

    The place I get most of my fish from in Sheffield will pay 30p each or 40p credit which I don`t think is bad.
  26. LJEV

    Whats The Going Rate For Selling Guppy Fry To Lfs ?

    Im starting to build up a nice collection of guppy fry and hear a lot of suppliers will buy them from you. Whats an average price and do they usually have a limit to what they buy ?
  27. LJEV

    Is It A Good Idea To Put Guppy Fry In Newly Cycled Tank ?

    Thanks for all the advise. The filter in the new aqua el 40 is just a small internal filter so the sponges arnt compatable ( or I just don't know how to do it ) so I'm just doing a 3 week fishless cycle using the actibacktol aditive that comes with the tank to hopefully speed things up. You were...
  28. LJEV

    Is It A Good Idea To Put Guppy Fry In Newly Cycled Tank ?

    I put the new filter in one of my other tanks for 5 days then filled the new 40 ltr tank with 20 ltr of water from my established tank and the rest clean water, ran it for a further 5 days and all seems good, I think I`ll leave it another week then put them in. As you say they might get to be a...
  29. LJEV

    Is It A Good Idea To Put Guppy Fry In Newly Cycled Tank ?

    I have 2 125 ltr tanks with various fish in them. 3 weeks ago one of my guppies had 15 fry whitch are still in a seperate hatchery in one of the tanks. The fry is now large enough to sex so i feel they now need splitting up. As I have some quite large fish in my main tanks (angels, fighters etc...
  30. LJEV

    Small Algae Eating Plec?

    Got a clown plec last week only grows to about 3" apparently, looks fantastic when you actually manage to catch a glimpse of him, spends all day in my cave and just comes out at night under my moon phase lighting.