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  1. iffles

    If You Could Have Any Specialist Fish What Would It Be?

    lol, what would you feed it, bae1994? :fun:
  2. iffles

    New First Cories And Eggs?

    aww so sorry. RIP little cories :sad: . I know that feeling when your going so well and suddenly it collapses :sad: but, you might have better luck next time they spawn. :good: Good Luck with that
  3. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    bump anyone? :look:
  4. iffles


    *humph* :/
  5. iffles

    Tips Stocking For 8 Gallon Fresh Water Tank

    they are all community setups with fish that are compatible- pick whichever you like best :good:
  6. iffles

    Want To Try And Kick Start My Corys Into Breeding....

    read this topic: i found it was quite good and simple step by step :good:
  7. iffles


    yea, true cos they might get stuck at postal place for a week which would kill them probably. on ebay, some sellers arent posting any livestock until the post strike is over
  8. iffles

    Want To Try And Kick Start My Corys Into Breeding....

    bogwood does leach tannins, but im not sure if its the same as Indian almond leaves ???? :blink: . i think the main keys to breeding cories is cold water changes and possibly feeding them up a little with bloodworms and maybe white worms. btw what species of cory/s do you have? some are easier...
  9. iffles


    i just wondered, would you post some? probably not, but its worth a shot ;) :hey:
  10. iffles

    If You Could Have Any Specialist Fish What Would It Be?

    I dont know if choosing marine is allowed, but ive always dreamt of having a pair of clown fish with an anemone, but marine is just too big a leap for me :( . id probably kill them by putting the wrong amount of salt in or something :X . maybe in future i might have a marine nano with 2...
  11. iffles


    wish i lived closer :X - such a nice group ;) it'll be a pity to put them on ebay, but no one here can take them :(
  12. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    bump. anyone have a tank?
  13. iffles

    Help! Please. I Don'T Know What To Do With My Angel Fish.

    dont turn off the filter! take out the carbon if there is any, but the filter, without carbon wont remove the meds (or at least shuouldnt). is the filter cycled? im no expert on meds, and i havent even seen Maracyn, but try to find Maracyn II as Tolak recommended. keep the meds up to Tolaks...
  14. iffles

    Tips Stocking For 8 Gallon Fresh Water Tank

    hi, with the low pH, that will slow down the bacteria alot- they prefer harder water, and with pH 6 and below , you often need to use zeolite or something like that. so i would boost up your ph by a large water change maybe especially before you get fish. its cycled as in if you put in ammonia...
  15. iffles

    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    also, i wouldn't go for a plec, no offense meant to bowlfreak1215, just because they grow too big and produce more waste than they clean. If you want a sucking fish maybe an oto for a tank that size, but they like to be in groups if possible...hmm... i'm stumped. cories need bigger groups...
  16. iffles

    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    I would suggest upping the schools to a minimum or 6 or just having 8 rasboras OR 8 cherry barbs. Upping the schools might overstock the tank tho. also, not sure a cherries, but i know tiger barbs are agressive in small groups :crazy: I went for harlequin rasboras- they'rs really cute and fun...
  17. iffles

    Help Algea Problem

    algae is often a sign of too many nutrients in the water, too much light or CO2. I'm battling with 4 types of algae at the moment- i know it very annoying, looks horrid and ruins your plants :sick: just keep going at it and try to identify if you leave the lights on too long, overfeed, or dont...
  18. iffles

    Tropical 60 Us Gal

    Nice tank :good: Love your plants and fish- looks great :D Just one thing id mention- the 2 plants at the back left (the ones that look like palm trees, sort of)- i have a feeling those aren't aquatic, because some lfs sell them. they are actually houseplants i think because we bought one and...
  19. iffles

    Tank Stocking

    Have you looked at the opaline gourami? they are very hardy and are supposedly community fish (i havent kept them myself, too big for my tank). take a look at this pic (its a really nice opaline): If that doesn't appeal to you, maybe some (6+) bosemani rainbows, but i dont know if that will...
  20. iffles

    Do You Eat Fish?

    For dinner tonight I had battered cod (yum! :fun: ). It was tasty, and as said above by some people I don't see anything wrong with it, unless eating any kind of meat is wrong.
  21. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    yeah i went to one of my lfs and they were selling a 2 ft tank (bare, nothing ,no hood) for £30, but on ebay there are some HUGE tanks for that price just because they were used for a month. in another they weren't selling any "unbranded" tanks, because they dont sell so high. they have all...
  22. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    Item Wanted: 2ftish 60litreish tank (give or take 20ishlitres) would like tank, hood and light. filter and heater etc is not required. Condition Required: Watertight, little or no scratches, like new or v.good condition preffered (my mums only condition is that it looks nice, so good conditioned...
  23. iffles

    Wanted Pest Snails

    abit late now, but you can just pop down to your lfs and ask for some from their plant area (if they have one with snails). They will probably give them to you free or for a few pence.
  24. iffles

    2 Tanks For Sale, Full Set Ups

    hi, would you post the juwel?
  25. iffles

    Clearout,tanks,filters,light Units

    hi, would you post the 2ft? i know the answer is probably no, but worth a shot :D ;) . also how much would you be looking for for the 2ft (minus p&p) thanks
  26. iffles


    Im interested but i can't house so many (only need 5 maybe 6) and i live quite far away (north london round trip is approx 220 miles). Cant believe no one is interested who lives near you. :unsure:
  27. iffles

    4 Platys + 1 Dwarf Gourami Free

    i would tanke them if i lived closer :sad: :X :/ :( They are so pretty :good: , im sure someone must want them :unsure:
  28. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    most likely thats the cause of the deaths if they suddenly started dropping dead after the dechlorinator was added - i did something similar with "stress coat" and have accidentally fed my fish out of date food (which they ate quite happily!). I would buy some working dechlorinator asap and do...
  29. iffles


    Hi, i had a similar problem but its fixed now. you need to make sure the rubber isn't pushed down all the way. when it is just fixed in the plastic bit of the valve, turn it slowly until the bubbles start. if you look there is a spiral on the rubber bit of the valve and a "notch" cut in the...
  30. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    how many and what size tank or is it a breeding net/trap? any filter, heater if it is separate? the dechlorinator shouldn't make them die, but you never know cos they are fry and arent as resilient to changes.
  31. iffles

    Rotting Plants

    are there any other "healthy" plants in the same tanks?
  32. iffles

    Do You Have Fav Fishies You Could Watch For Hours?

    I like watching my amano shrimps touring round the tank and "hoovering" with their pincher-hand-claw type things. Also the platy fry are quite fun to watch and its also hard to count all of them- there are 10 (i think), but usually you can only see 9. only at feeding time they come out and you...
  33. iffles

    What Shrimp Are U Keeping?

    i have 2 amanos- one male, one female. they are really good little guys :wub: and keep the tank relatively hair algae free :good: , but aren't so good at tackling the brown and green spot algae :sick: . I rely on the apple snails to tackle that bit. I'm hoping to get some more once my new tank...
  34. iffles

    Found Solo Cory Egg By Chance...Now More Eggs

    what type of cory? congrats on the egg :good: will watch this space. keep us posted. :D
  35. iffles


    Does it look like: 1) 2) 3) If you can fit them in and like them, Amano shrimps are often good at taking care of algae problems- especially hair algae.
  36. iffles

    Blue Green Algae?

    thanks for your help :D
  37. iffles

    Blue Green Algae?

    thanks! i think ive been overfeeding because there are some half grown fry in the tank which i feed extra for - silly me! i just feel sorry for them when their parents steal all the food even though i know fish can go for a week without food :blush: . also i leave the lights on for quite long.
  38. iffles

    Blue Green Algae?

    ok thanks. i tried getting it off the plant but i just damaged the leaves- any way of getting it off without pruning the leaves off or damaging them?
  39. iffles

    Platy Breeding

    I just provide some hiding spots for them and 10 have survived from 1 drop (im going to be overrun with platies). I was hopeless at catching them and all i managed to do was chase them out of their hiding spots and one got eaten because of that :sad: and i felt so bad :blush: i just bought...
  40. iffles

    Blue Green Algae?

    Hi I was cleaning out my tank when i noticed some bluish greenish :sick: algae on the glass which i scrubbed off, but some books on tank maintanance ive read say that some algae is beneficial to a tank :sick: , but if you see blue green algae remove it immediately ???? I just dont see wats so...