Search results

  1. iffles

    Dijon Has Spawned

    wow congrats on their spawn! :good:
  2. iffles

    Tank Stocking

    ive always liked bosemani rainbows, but cant house so many of that size :sad: . dwarf rainbows are also nice :good: . just some ideas...
  3. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    good :good: probs they were weakened alot by the old dechlorinator :sad: and a little by the chlorine. chlorine burn affects the gills and causes "asphyxiation" which means suffocation, so i doubt thats the main cause, so its probably the iffy dechlor, so keep up the water changes :good...
  4. iffles


    hi, dont know what the worms could be, some peeps think the eggs are in flake food or water and come due to overfeeding, but dont take it from me - im sure someone else will know more about the worm thing than i do. with the disease, did you add any new fish/plants/decor to the tank recently (1...
  5. iffles

    Found Solo Cory Egg By Chance...Now More Eggs

    congrats on the egg :good: . what are you planning to feed him/her?
  6. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    are any more losing appetite/getting ill? ????
  7. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    i dont really know - ive had experience with out of date food, but not old water conditioner - i buy small bottles and they always run out before i reach the use by *touches wood*. I think the thin ones might not make it - they sound quite bad considering they are fry, but just keep up the water...
  8. iffles

    Fresh Water Test Kits

    lots of people on here use the API Master Test Kit, and that does freshwater, but there are many other kits/tests available. :good:
  9. iffles

    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    IMHO, you should go for 2 Honey Gouramis and some pygmy/three lined cories because they are smaller than the sterbais, and will have less bioload. :good: then choose which your like better of the rasboras and barbs :good:
  10. iffles


    any luck with ebay? maybe try aquabid or something like that. Loads of people are interested, but the main problem is distance/location. So if you advertise *everywhere* then surely someone will take them :unsure: . If you split, you are likely to get them sold quicker - not many people have...
  11. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    its tummy looks a little sunk-in in the pic. are they all eating well (including ill ones)? maybe the battle isn't completely ove yet, or maybe the effects drag on for a few days ???? who knows?
  12. iffles

    My First Cories! :D

    cool :good: its annoying why they sell them in groups of 4. 6 is a waaaaaay better number for cories, but my lfs doesn't care, i kept 1 cory by itself in my tank for 3 years because they said it would be fine by itself :angry: and i didn't know any better! they kept dying and i kept buying...
  13. iffles

    Just Wondering,..

    My 10 yellow platy fry are fat, greedy and cute as ever. they sure do grow fast!
  14. iffles

    My First Cories! :D

    congrats on ur first cories :good: ! bronzes generally grow bigger than peppers- bronze about 7-8cms and peppers about 5cms. btw, u know they like/need to be in groups of 6+, right? just checking :good:
  15. iffles

    Happy Halloween!

    i'm going to a halloween party at a friends :hyper: . they never fail to impress, i'm not joking - last year they bought 100 loo rolls to play a game of wrapping people up like mummified mummies and the best mummy wins :P :) :D :nod: :hey: :hyper: :fun: :lol:
  16. iffles

    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    i just have gravel too for my plants. what do you mean by substrata? ferts? soil? sand? and i would add the filter pad in aswell to give some more filtering capacity :good:
  17. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    i can see the pic, but the fry is a bit blurry. but if its improving id just carry on because its working whatever ur doing :lol: lol
  18. iffles

    Mystery Deaths

    did you QT the kribs? and mollies do better in hard alkaline water- what sort of water do you have? These deaths really are a mystery! free bump from me :good:
  19. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    bump. anyone?
  20. iffles

    White Spot, Fungi, Something Else?

    could you get a pic? that would speed up identification :good:
  21. iffles

    Surface Slime Problem In Week Old Tank!

    cycling as in growing bacteria in your filter to process/"eat" your fishes waste prods :sick: . ie ammonia and nitrIte. these are highly toxic to fish. as said above, you are in a fish in cycle meaning the fish is the source of ammonia. fish less cycles mean you add ammonia to the water. hope...
  22. iffles

    Want To Re Do Tank

    look, its not that we've forgotten how to type, just we don't know or havent seen it yet. i don't know much and don't want to advise you wrongly. i apologise that i gave that impression on you. just bump it up next time :good:
  23. iffles

    I'M New Here

    wow-lucky you! !16! omg, im only allowed 2. maybe getting a QT tank, but thats it. *boo hoo* lol. u know ive never kept bettas, i might look into getting one :good: oh, and Welcome to TFF :hi: :yahoo: :lol: lol
  24. iffles

    Pregnant Platy' Help!

    sorry about the 3 fry (RIP), Sami :rip: good luck with the others :good: . Mine also stay in a group/school type thing! that way they can push the adults away more easily to get their greedy fins on the food! they are so fun to watch and when they are small, they swim in funny jerking...
  25. iffles

    If You Could Have Any Specialist Fish What Would It Be?

    really? on some website, they say marine aquariums need perfect conditions and even the smallest difference would kill the fish ???? I might do some more reading on marines!
  26. iffles

    Guppy Fry.

    were they in a mixed tank when you bought them (mixed colours)? because with female gups they can store the sperm and continue to use it for the rest of there life, so the first male can father all the rest of her fry :crazy: . dont know much about gup colour mixes
  27. iffles

    Happy Halloween!

    wow, sweet carved pumpkins. :good: lol how did you do that? lol on halloween i always try to carve a pumpkin, but i just hack away at it, and in the end it looks scarier than any costumes ive seen :rolleyes: :D :P -_- :fun: :blush: ! :lol: lol. ps the :sick: one is my fave :lol: lol.
  28. iffles

    Pregnant Platy' Help!

    so sorry about your platy (RIP) :sad: . but congrats on the fry :good: ! with platies and most livebearing fish, you cant tell until they have matured - immature males will look like females(!) because they havent developed the gonopodium yet. Is the platy fry in danger of being eaten by the...
  29. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    also whereabouts in london are you? barbican area? just guessing ???? ? still open to offers if anyone else who has a spare tank reads this :good:
  30. iffles

    Platy Breeding

    yeah - as said above ^ by shi24137 i just let natural selection take place and hope that i wont be overrun! :fun:
  31. iffles


    ya, same here, and i live 110 miles away according to Google Maps. I only need 5, maybe 6. My tank could be a species tank and would just fit them i, but the bottom will be very, very, very crowded. if only we could do a split and postage was an option. but i suppose that like saying if only i...
  32. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    Hi, thanks for your reply :good: is the 2ft or 3ft for £15?
  33. iffles

    New First Cories And Eggs?

    read this- its pretty good on spawning and breeding cories: :good:
  34. iffles

    Found Solo Cory Egg By Chance...Now More Eggs

    Good luck with the eggs :good: sort of like my female platy- after buying her, she dropped like 5 fry, the next day another 5 and so on. couldn't catch many- caught 0 :fun: :lol:
  35. iffles

    Hmm Argos Play Sand Has Turned Black At The Bottom?

    sorry, this is off the subject, but nice halloween avatar Inchworm :good:
  36. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    ya, should be fine now, lol i have 10 platy fry about 8 weeks old in my tank with their parents and at feeding time the 10 of them shove their parents aside to get to the food they are so fat :lol: and greedy! they grow so fast :fun: :rolleyes: :D
  37. iffles

    What Is The Best Way To Kill My Fish

    Don't kill them :shout: ! take them back to the store as said by most people ^ :nod: . At least you might get some store credit :good: , so isn't that enough to make you want to return them :huh: :/ , not kill them?
  38. iffles


    any luck with bubbles yet?
  39. iffles

    Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

    shes probably feeling better with the water changes minus the chlorine and less out of date dechlorinator in the water :good: good luck with the fry :good:
  40. iffles

    New Setup, New To Cory'S

    nice tanks :good: