Search results

  1. iffles

    Is Building Sand Ok For My Tank?

    thanks for your replies :D . seems like argos playsand is the go - just worried about ammonia pockets now :unsure: :crazy: also i cant use coral sand as it will raise the pH too much :rolleyes: . it seems everything has at least on drawback :rolleyes: lol yeah cant believe what LFS do these...
  2. iffles

    Me Tank

    nice tank :good: r those real plants in there? looking forward to seeing some more pics :P lol
  3. iffles

    Is Building Sand Ok For My Tank?

    yeah, just wondered cos my LFS was selling building sand and wondered if that meant it was safe(ish) or that brand of building sand was safe :dunno: .
  4. iffles

    Stocking A New Tank

    i would avoid mixing endlers and guppies (thats IMHO). Your tank stocking sounds a little full to me for the sorority (+(Betta+splendens)%3A5%3A&FilterMode=Add+%3E&AqTempUnit=C&AqVolUnit=gUS"]link) You could have 6 endlers (considering they will breed) (link Honey gouramis and pygmy cories...
  5. iffles

    Help - Getting My First Baby Bristlenoses On Tue

    btw, i found a link - think its the one reeeedfish was getting at - just remove the which is neat the beginning ofthe URL. Heres the link (hope it works this time)
  6. iffles

    Is Building Sand Ok For My Tank?

    Ok, at my LFS, I was looking at sand for my tank, when i saw a bag of building sand for £25! It was just ordinary building sand- even labeled building sand! When the house was renovated, we bought a bag the same size for something like £1-2! Is this ordinary building sand ok for my aquarium...
  7. iffles

    Hi There!

    Welcome to TFF, Leland :hi: :fish: :good: :D
  8. iffles

    Tank On Skip-Worth Salvaging?

    i would try to patch it up with some silicon and fill with water to check for any leaks. if it passes leak checks, clean it up a bit :good:
  9. iffles

    Found Solo Cory Egg By Chance...Now More Eggs

    any hatched yet? ooh so exciting :hyper: never had any eggs in my tank before - only livebearer fry - cant really stop them from breeding :rolleyes: .
  10. iffles

    Orange Stripe Eggs.....

    wow! congrats :good: ! baby cories on the way! :hyper:
  11. iffles

    Drop In Ph

    5.5! wow thats low! allowing the pH to go too low can sometimes stop a cycle. lol, do you have any fish in there? (fish in or fish less?) are you adding ammonia? :blink:
  12. iffles

    Anyone Know How To Identify Rasboras Gender?

    what type? i have harlequins and they do that too, but havent spawned. yet. dunno lol
  13. iffles

    Drawing A Line In The Sand...

    if it gets to double zeros in 12 hours, its ready for fish. the choice of fish is really yours, but start with a toughish fish. do you like the look of any fish in particular or just like any fish? if its community compatible, you can work out what will go well with it (or you can ask us! :good: )
  14. iffles

    Need Advice

    shells will generally boost the hardness and pH if they are real. the pH (if ive read correctly) is at normal levels now, right? did you add too many/too few drops of high pH test reagent? that might have affected it the result of the test as well :blink:
  15. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    free?!? youre joking, right? :hyper: wow, i wish i lived closer - too far to pick up :sad: surely someone will want it tho, if they dont they are missing out on a great deal!
  16. iffles

    Snail Eggs Have Hatched, But Not Sure What They Are!

    yeah the eggs are probably assassins and the middle photo. :good: have you got any other snails in the tank? like apple snails? the last photo looks like an apple snail, but im not sure ????
  17. iffles

    Stocking A 20 & 10 Gallon

    i would recommend having "large" numbers in each school, because ive read up on tetras and rasboras and some people say that when they had 6 they were a loose school, but then they got 10 more (total 16) and they were virtually glued to each others sides lol :lol: thats just what i read on the...
  18. iffles

    Quarantine Tank

    good luck :good: just make sure the U2 fits in the QT! lol :lol:
  19. iffles

    Shrimp Questions

    when my amanos were with some harlequin rasboras, they were out all the time, but i have moved them with some platies, and they are always hiding - i think the platies are too boisterous for them. dunno if its the betta or if they are just settling in, but thats just my experience :good:
  20. iffles

    Ill Gourami?

    RIP gourami. its good of them to give you a credit note - annoying mine dont ;) -_-
  21. iffles

    Can Someone Help Me Identify This Fish?

    does it look like a krib to you - cant see the pic very clearly, but you can see it real life? it might be an apistogramma, but not sure from the pic, abit small to see.
  22. iffles

    Snail Eggs Have Hatched, But Not Sure What They Are!

    the first looks like an assassin snail as you thought :good: the second might be an apple snail? most apple snail species lay eggs above the water line, but there are afew that lay in water. did you notice any eggs above water?
  23. iffles

    Is It Just Me?

    lol i can completely realate to everyone on here! just now spent about 1hour and keep finding myself navigating to TFF when im on the computer! :lol: so addictive. relieved that it wasnt just me.
  24. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    lol yeah :lol: just its easier for me if it comes with one cos then i don't have to search for one the right size and dont have to hunt down a place that sells it :rolleyes:
  25. iffles


    congrats - glad they could go to someone on here :good:
  26. iffles

    Quarantine Tank

    30L is fine for QT - just for medium-larger schooling fish/a large number you need a larger tank because they like to stick together in a school and get stressed if kept in ones or twos - hopefully you kno what i mean lol. following the inch/gallon rule, he should be fine in a 30L as long as the...
  27. iffles

    How Often Do You Do A Head Count?

    i do a count every day about 6-7 times - especially my apple snails, shrimps (cos there always hiding) and platy fry. also my harlequins and lone glowlight (his 4 companions died when my heater decided it wanted to roast them :sad: , but he survived somehow :D
  28. iffles

    Quarantine Tank

    if its a small specimen probably yes. are there any fish in your main tank atm? otherwise you can just put him straight in because there aren't any fish in there to infect. the u2 will work well, but might even be a bit too big! :fun: :lol: it will filter well, but will probably decrease...
  29. iffles

    Quarantine Tank

    as said above ^ by Rezz, usually you keep a sponge filter/the filter of your choice running in the main tank which has fish in it, so it is ready for transferral to the QT when needed, but the filter is cycled at all times :good: i'm getting a QT tank soon for my new setup :) - about 60L...
  30. iffles

    Pregnant Platy' Help!

    really? colours already! my platy fry are ages older (approx 6-8wks), but are still the same dull yellow :rolleyes: the fry are so cute - whenever i walk into the room, they all cluster near the surface at the top :hyper: waiting for food.
  31. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    just some questions: what are the dimensions and capacity of the 2ft? does it come with a hood and light or just the tank? are there any scratches, leaks, cracks, discoloration, etc.? have you ever used any medication in the tank? how old is it and how long has it been in use? sorry to bug...
  32. iffles


    good :good: glad it worked out :D
  33. iffles

    2Ft/60L Or Near Tank Wanted

    would you do the 2ft for £10? because i dont need a 3footer - my biggest tank is less than 3ft :fun: and i only need a QT! good you live near a tube station - easy for me! lol
  34. iffles

    Compatible Fish Suggestions?

    thanks for the correction drobbyb :good: . i wasnt sure of the size of bosemani rainbows :rolleyes: which is why i mentioned the bioload and tank size :good:
  35. iffles

    Wanted Java Moss

    does your lfs have any? any nearby other lfs that might have some? i have some from my lfs, but its only started to grow. i might be able to steal abit from my platy fry but they are very greedy :lol: lol
  36. iffles

    Male Platy Killing Females

    its a tough choice for you - if you sell him/give him back to ur lfs, he will just bother someone else and if you keep him, he will annoy you :shout: :crazy: :X :/ -_- , but just put up with it for a while and seperate him from any females
  37. iffles

    Male Platy Killing Females

    if u need an emergency confinement for him while you buy a trap/net/divider, get the biggest bottle you can find, cut off the bottom, punch some small holes in the sides (i used a knife but you can use a needle, etc. as long as the holes arent too big), take off the cap and place it over him...
  38. iffles

    Compatible Fish Suggestions?

    maybe have a look at some rainbow species, maybe dwarf rainbow (preacox) or bosemani depending on your bioload and tank size - cant work it out off the top of my head, but AquaAdvisor is quite helpful as a rough guide, so look at your stocking levels there :good: . Heres the link...
  39. iffles

    Dijon Has Spawned

    lucky you- the main reason i havent had bettas is i cant keep males and females toghehter and cant keep males toghether either- too agressive. but your bettas have decided that they wont fight which is great! :good:
  40. iffles


    dont let that put you off fishkeeping please. i had an awful ich outbreak afew years ago and all my fish died except one glow light who convinced me to go on. i am really glad he survived because along with him, my love for the hobby survived, and things will get better, maybe not with your...