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  1. V

    How does this sound to you all????

    please can you tell me the web site where your getting your bettas from
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    hellp please.

    hi iv just got some filter flos, i washed it out and put it in my fluval 104 and now the waters all cloudy realy cloudy, iv done a 40 - 50% walter change and its still there but not as bad will thiss hurt the fish at all?? regards alastair
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    my first 2 bettas

    this is my other betta :D i hope to bread bettas in the near fucher. but not these two lol :rofl: well at least not to each other
  4. DSC00015.2.JPG


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    my first 2 bettas

    this is my first pic of my first betta thought id show it off. sorry aboult the photo its my first time :rofl:
  6. DSC00022.2.JPG


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    tacking photos

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    tacking photos

    please can any one give me some advice on tacking fish photosas im haveing a little truble. im useing a 3.2m pix didgal cam
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    male bettas

    thanks. its quite funny to wach them flearing out at each other struting there stuff. lol :lol:
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    male bettas

    iv got a 6 gal tank iv converted in the 3 compartments useing perspex and iv got two male bettas in the tank. will it strees them out tomuch if thay can see each other??? please let me knoe any advice. regards alastair
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    i think that works out to $112.50c :)
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    hi all im realy happy as iv just got a 48x12x18" tank (36g) with a cubbord, light, a bio filter with loads of meda and a bunch of othere bits and bobs for £75 hows that! regards a v happy guy :D
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    Tiger barb BULLY

    sorry i got a little confused when i look up my readings on my chart it shows that a reading of 1.2 with a ph of 7.5 is roughly 0.03 of ammonia in the tank. dus that sound a little better
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    Tiger barb BULLY

    are i get ya my nitrit is be low 0.3 and my ammonia is 1.2 and ph is 7.5. iv just noticed most of my fish are swiming at the top and look like there skiming the something of the serfice?? is that normal to do that some times iv never seen it befor
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    Tiger barb BULLY

    sorry im a little thick. what do you mean by parameters
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    Tiger barb BULLY

    my tank is 24x12x18 18g im running a fluval 104 filter witch will filter 25g with a 203 wating in the wings if i need it. my lfs told me i could get rughly 34" of fish. i dont know if thay tuck the filter into acoult. iv just of two green tiger barbs to ad to the mix so i hope thiss sorts things...
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    Tiger barb BULLY

    thanks ill look in to getting some more maybe today. would it be ok to mix in green tiger barbs with them and would i get the same afect???
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    Tiger barb BULLY

    can any one tell me the best way to sort out a bully in a tank? . iv got a bullying tiger barb and at the moment iv put it in a breeding unit floating in the tank is this wise or is there a better way please?? regards alastair
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    ya dats right ant i't ya know what i is saying iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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    i got a fluval 104 runing on my 18g tank but iv just brought a fluval 203 from a car boot sale for £4. the 104 is running with foam bio and soon as iv stoped useing melafix ill put the carbon back in. but iv still got a spear compartment so maybe ill put some flos in that one. is that a good...
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    UK fish shop directory.

    i know some one that use to work in the waterzoo and left becuse of the bad way thay treat there fish or not treat as the case mybe. he now works in the fish shop in the wyvale garden center ner peterboro and has a thery good range. regards alastair
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    snails and plants

    i like picking the little blighters of and hitting them with a big hammer. :)
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    thery dishartend

    well today looks a little better. the gaurami is acting his normal shelf so he must have just been having a bad day
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    stoners and fish stores

    iv got a friend that got hes fish stoned
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    thery dishartend

    well the two fish i still have in that tank are 3 years old but the ones that died all came from the same place 3 weeks ago so i think its the place as i went there with tropjunki and thay seemd to have the same problem with there tanks.. i went to a fish store near my sisters to day and felt...
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    thery dishartend

    not happy at all i just lost my blue orander thats the 3d cold fish in as meany weeks iv tested the walter and all is fine there was no sighn of illnes. and now to top it of it looks like ill have lost my neon gaurami by the morning as he dose not look like the norm in how he is acting. ( a...
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    UK fish shop directory.

    Alvenor Aquatics a walter gardens murrow wisbech uk i find it hard to find a better shop than thiss or thro the chois is only 30 - 40 tanks there a great lot there and as hounest as god regards alastair
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    Bad fish Store

    i belive the whoman i spoak to was the owner and she was not consernd at all..
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    Bad fish Store

    i brought two fish a red cap and blue orrander from a local shop 2 weeks a go and within two days the first one died looked like it fell apart a pece at a time. non of the other fish bit him or any thing of the sort :-( i tuck the little fella back and thay told me it was my walter even thro...
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    platies What Sex ??

    ill have a look at getting some more as soon as my tank seltels a little. thanks for all your help
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    M8's girlfriend's fish horrer

    the tank she has only holds 3L so i dont even think a betta will fit
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    M8's girlfriend's fish horrer

    P.S you should tell your friend to find a nice girl like you sister :)
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    M8's girlfriend's fish horrer

    i think your mates girl frend sounds realy cruel and i bet she has a right old nag at your frend for no reson at all. i dont think she should keep any thing in a tank that small. its no even 2g let alone 3g. i think she should pay mor atenshion to me mmm i mean your friend than putting a nuther...
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    Breeding betta (siamese fighting fish)

    please can any one tell me how to go aboult breeding bettas and is it thery hard?? regards alastair
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    platies What Sex ??

    if i added a few more females would i have to stick with red ones like i have or could i mix a defarent vereant with them for the same afect?? regards alastair
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    How to Work out Gal in a tank Please

    Great thanks for the hellp you guys. regards alastair
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    Amquel +

    hi i had a big problem with nitrit and used amquel + nitrit readings went down from max to only just reading in less than 2 hours and saved the life of 3 fish ( shame aboult the one that died befor i got the stuff ) but i dont know if it had any efects on the filter or not. regards alastair
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    How to Work out Gal in a tank Please

    cheers but i dont have a thery good mind for maths is there an easyer way?
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    How to Work out Gal in a tank Please

    please can any one tell me how to work out how meany gal a tank can hold. the tank in questune is a 24 x 8 x 9 but id still like to know how to work it all out. :/ regards alastair
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    Britsh betta breeders!

    im intrested in breading to !!!! and betta's :lol: im int the east if any one knows of any regards alastair