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  1. yvez9

    Mixing Breeds?

    different species usually won't school together, but it can happen as far as a 10 gallon goes, you'll have a hard time mixing more than 2 species of tetras plus cories one way you could go is honey gouramis, keep 1 a school of 6 small tetras a school of 3 or 4 cories that should be pretty...
  2. yvez9

    Just Got...

    why do you keep on foing this? you're always asking for advice after the fact! people keep telling you the same thing over and over all the time and you keep doing what you want and then ask for advice when something goes wrong.
  3. yvez9

    New Tank + Old And New Filters?

    usually, two weeks is a safe perdio after which you can remove old filters. As for saving your old water, if you are keeping the same fish, it might be worth it as it will save you the hassle and stress from your fish when acclimating them to new water, as you said, this will just be a big...
  4. yvez9

    Bog Wood White Spots

    This is some kinf of mold that can appear on wood. You just need to scrub it off and it will end up not showing up anymore
  5. yvez9

    New Georgia Aquarium

    seeing how Geaorgia is about a 20 hour drive from Montreal, I doubt i'll go :P
  6. yvez9

    Just Got...

    I loked up google and didn't find much, only one website showing it is a shoaling fish that needs at least 5 gallons.... not much info there
  7. yvez9

    Quick Question

    you could breed many species of Killifish in there, as well as most livebearers. Cories would breed fine as well. I wouldn't go for rams as they might feel a bit cramped but if there is enough surface, they'll be fine. If the tank is at least 24 by 10 inches then I'd say you can go for it. The...
  8. yvez9

    Ghost Shrimp Back From The Dead !

    I have one Yamato shrimp in my 20 gallon that I see about once a month. They're good at hising, especially when they shed as they need some time to rebuild their shell. 6 weeks is long though, so it might of just been hiding from you :)
  9. yvez9

    Missing Oto

    it would be the snails as otos eat nothing but algea it might have jumped out the tank though, i've found a few otos on the carpet.
  10. yvez9

    Electric Blue Dempsey

    ^^^^ i was about to say that!
  11. yvez9


    i'd say remove whatever is covered by it and give it a good rinse
  12. yvez9

    Two Watts Per Gallon

    Yes, it will give you lots of options, but you will need to consider adding co2 with s much light. 3 wpg would be better obviously, if you can get a 65w powercompact strip!
  13. yvez9

    Bearded Algea

    i believe the best fish to eat beard algea are american flag fish if you don't feed them, they will munch on it all day long!
  14. yvez9

    What Happens If You Overdose Declorinator?

    your water will make lots of bubbles :) adding too much does nothing bad
  15. yvez9

    Oscars With Wheather Loach?

    i think your oscar tank is overstocked as it is with a pleco and 2 O's
  16. yvez9

    Arowana Feeding Vid !

    cool :)
  17. yvez9

    How Many Dwarf Puffers For A Newbie?

    your plan for the 5 gallon with betta, frogs and shrimps sounds quite good. i would setup the planted 10 gallon for one dwarf puffer to avoid issues, especially sicne you would have nowhere to rehome a second puffer if things went wrong!
  18. yvez9

    Sucking Loaches Acting Strange

    i'm guessing you mean hillstream loach then? if so they should be quite active, at least mine are :)
  19. yvez9

    Info On Reef Tanks

  20. yvez9

    Tank Hoods

    usually whoever sells tansk sells hood to accompany them? or wou could always build one yourself if you've got skills. I know I don't :(
  21. yvez9

    Tropical Flake Food...

    i don't see how it wouldn't be good, unless it got infected by bacteria???
  22. yvez9

    Niece's First Fishtank :(

    well they should survive a week if they change the water every day i guess.
  23. yvez9

    Substrate Change?

    of course, the same as you would change from gravel to sand. there's a pinned topic about changing from gravel to sand, you could apply it for the opposite as well!
  24. yvez9

    Tropical Flake Food...

    i've kept food for about 4 months and it was still good...
  25. yvez9


    considering you saw it at wal-mart, it must be the common plec. while some people tend to say they crap more then they eat, they do clean out the tank of leftover food and algea. I must warn you that they grow to around 12 inches though, so a large tank is required
  26. yvez9

    My Fish

    if you have more then one convict and two pair up and start breeding, you'll end up with two convcts in the end, whatever you add in there. jd's need a larger tank and any fish that could possible survive breeding convicts as well.
  27. yvez9

    Canister Filter

    it also depend on the size of your tank and the stocking as well... for larger tanks, power filters alone are usually inefficent, you need a combination of canister and power filter...
  28. yvez9

    Borneo Suckerfish

    I've been keeping two hillstream loaches in 2 tropical tanks for about a year now and they're doing great. One is quite shy and sticks to glass all the time but the other one is really active and chases all kinds of food i throw in. he eats bloodworms, brineshrimps and shrimp pellets. We've had...
  29. yvez9

    Canister Filter

    i'ma bout to purchase a Rena Filstar XP3 canister, heard they're alsmot as good as eheims, but much cheaper!
  30. yvez9

    Where Oh Where

    where in ontario are you? If there is a Big Al's, they should be able to order them for you, or an independant store perharp. I know big chain stores usually don't care about rarer fish and just order whatever sells (common plecs, black ghost knife, oscars, reb bellied piranhas...)
  31. yvez9

    My Hermit Crabs

    i like them as pets, they're what i call low maintenance pets :) just need to change there water and food every day or two. We have a 12 gallon tank setup for them. You need a tight lid with no gaps as some crabs (like Bernie here) like to look around and he's escaped twice already. We managed...
  32. yvez9

    Clown Loaches

    many tropical fish scavenge the bottom of tanks. Most catfish and loaches in fact. I'm not 100% sure these would work in your setup, but here goes: Cories, red tail black shark, synodontis catfish, yoyo loaches
  33. yvez9

    Malaysian Trumpet Snail

    i have one tank overrun by them right now, my small 5 gallon.... the reproduce quickly but you can't see the baby snails for a few weeks because they are so small and keep to the sand.
  34. yvez9

    Filter Flow...

    you can put the media from the old filter into the new one if possible. then you can just remove the odler filter as you won't have to wait for the bacteria to migrate
  35. yvez9

    Watch My Fish Video

    it works but the video is too dark to really see anything... sorry
  36. yvez9

    New Tank !

    coral sand is not a good idea with convicts as it will raise the pH while convicts prefer a lower pH. They'll probably still be ok, but there's no point in doing it! as for plants, any cichlid, save for some swarf cichlids, wil tear up plants. You could maybe get away with java moss or java...
  37. yvez9

    One Good Tank, One Bad Tank

    bettas are more resistant to ammonia then most other fish because they breath from the air instead of the water. However, it is not a good idea to house a male with females as they likely won't get along too good and they might eventually ytry to breed, which will make them even more ferocious...
  38. yvez9

    Eheim Battery-operated Sludge Extractor

    that looks to be like an overpriced hand held filter... I'm pretty sure it works, but i'm not sure i'd be willing to pay that much for it!
  39. yvez9

    The Fish Are Not Eating The Shrimp.....

    the kind of shrimp we have here are ghost shrimps last time i got some was about 20 shrimp for 5 dollars, and they're about 1 to 2 inches long