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  1. yvez9

    Newbie Assumptions

    well in a way the lady was right ethos she doesn't know you know what you're getting into and as it was stated before, the typical fish shopper knows nil or false information. you can't be mad at someone for assuming you don't know anything and then be mad at them for giving out poor advice.
  2. yvez9

    What Fish To Buy....?

    a whiptail catfish would be great they have a dinosaur look IMO. Not active at all though, but they are fun to look at :)
  3. yvez9

    How Old Is Everyone?

    just divide it by 7 I'm 23
  4. yvez9

    Sump Water Flow

    usually, a sump will fill up from an overflow system. this for two reasons i assume. One is that the pump will dictate the flow of the sump. as soon as water is returned to the tank, it will overflow into the sump. second and most importantly, if the pump fails for a reason or another, the tank...
  5. yvez9

    Filstar Xp3 Won't Prime Properly

    thank sub I'll have to try that, so you basically fill it up with water manually, you don't use the auto-prime system? The air seems to have cleared up after about 2 hours of operation so maybe I was just being impatient! Thanks for all your repliers
  6. yvez9

    Filstar Xp3 Won't Prime Properly

    so basically it's normal for canister filters to take a while to get rid of all the air inside?
  7. yvez9

    Filstar Xp3 Won't Prime Properly

    I followed the instructions that came with the filter to prime it, but only once out of maybe 10 times i tried to prime did it work... :S There's always some air trapped in the filter and it makes littles bubbles and clouds the water when this happens cause it's full of the little bubbles. Last...
  8. yvez9

    Red Devil - Good Tank Mates

    i wouldn't keep 2 red devils and 2 jd's together. this smells like a disaster waiting to happen. You might get away with two cichlids if the red devil is not too agressive and neither is the other cichid, but def not 4. your tank will become a bloodbath
  9. yvez9

    Bolivian Ram Breeding

    i agree with everything freddyk said, but i don't agree with his avatar :P
  10. yvez9

    The Babies Had Babies

    good job!! what do you plan to do with the fry if they make it?
  11. yvez9

    Wanna See Something Cute?

    That's not nice, I'm sure the dog would be upset if he could read...
  12. yvez9

    A Rant Thread About Assumptions/actions On Both Sides.

    i agree with griz it is usually much faster to search old topics then to wait for someone to come over and answer.
  13. yvez9

    Ideal Work Place For Us All

    interesting concept. I believe however a large tank in a restroom or employee room would be better.
  14. yvez9

    Fishkeeping Books....

    i actually prefer to search the web for info as it is usually more up to date then books. plus, you can easily get the opinion of different people quite fast while a book will only give you the opinion of the author. just my 2 cents
  15. yvez9

    Water Changes...

    IMO, it doesn't make much a difference but it is technically better to do it before
  16. yvez9

    Coarse Sand/very Fine Gravel

    i don't know of much stores that will ship sand as it is very heavy. I know big al's does ship sand but it's the expensive variety. Maybe pool filter sand would be coarse enough for you?
  17. yvez9

    I Got My Sand

    the best way to clean sand is to put a small quantity, maybe 5 pounds, in a bucket and stick a hose in the bottom and stir it. it's the fastest way i found to clean sand
  18. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    thanks. yeah i remember you frank3333! :) well i feel stupid now. first time i use a canister. I thought the basket were a tight fit so I just put the peat staright in one basket. What a mistake. I had peat granules everywhere in the filter!!! i know put it in a nice nylon stocking to prevent...
  19. yvez9

    New 90 Gallon Tank

    no green for this one. It's gonna host an oscar and severum or convict so plants won't last long. I'll be adding rocks though :)
  20. yvez9

    New 90 Gallon Tank

    Here is the new 90 gallon tank the water seems cloudy because there are lots of air bubbles in there. It should clear up by tomorrow I guess! Here is a shot of the black tahitian moon sand and some river rocks we put in! Here is a close-up of the driftwood Filstar XP3 filter My 20...
  21. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    It was delivered today!!! We filled it up, cleaned everything and now it's lamost ready to go. We're just waiting for the heater to catch up and we'll be all set to add fish in there :D Here are the pics
  22. yvez9

    New Tank

    i second modernhamlet here I never bothered swapping substrate between tanks, just filter media and never had a problem. I only ever cycled one tank and then just seed new tanks with filter media.
  23. yvez9

    100 Gallon Tank

    i find it funny how people are scared of the weight of fish tanks, yet they don't mind having a bathroom on the second floor. A person taking a bath full of water must at least weight as much as a 55 gallon tank if you include all the piping required to run it. yet, people don't even think about...
  24. yvez9

    Tank Aeriation/filteration

    some cichlids stay smaller than others. you could keep convicts for example
  25. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    Yes Cal (what was your name before?), I've come a long way thanks to friendly people and great advice. As far as stocking goes, there will be one common pleco that is about 11 inches long. I believe it has stopped growing as it hasn't grown at all in the past year. It might have been stunted...
  26. yvez9

    Fish Revitaliser Treatment

    many treatments and water conditionner claim to calm down the fish. I don't know how true it is as stress comes from many factors. it is normal for fish to be stressed when thigns are moved around but things should settle quite fast usually
  27. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    and a cup holder as well so i always have a beer handy
  28. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    what could I use to seal the windows and door? I'm going to get a pond liner to cover the floor and walls, but I'll use the ambient light from the windows as to not risk getting electrocuted. Heating will also be an issue as I'll have no more power outlets
  29. yvez9

    New Additions....... What Is Best?

    bolivian rams get about 2-3 inches, a bit larger than blue rams. I'd say your tank is pretty well stocked with the plecos and the rest.
  30. yvez9

    R.o. Water - How Long Is Too Long

    besides, if the container is sealed, the oxygen will stay as it has nowhere else to go.
  31. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    :rofl: All done. I now have 12 tanks for a total of 1000 gallons. Any more ideas to fit more in? I now have a computer which I can't get rid of otherwise i'll be out of ideas to fit more tanks, a small camping bed that I can fold during the day and I use a pillow as a couch. I also got rid of...
  32. yvez9

    How Do I Transport A Pleco?

    I got to transport a 6 inch plec and an 11 inch plec the thing with larger plecos is they can rip the bag quite easily with their spines, as well as nets. The 6 incher we just used a big net and put him in a tupperware container. If the ride isn't too long (15-20 minutes) wou can get away with...
  33. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    I'll have to be satisfied with what I have after we get this tank as there will be no more room in the apartment for tanks. Of course, the couch could always go but I doubt my girlfriend would agree with :S
  34. yvez9

    1 Pair

    you could also keep female bettas with the rams. Plant the tank with real or fake plants, put in some rocks, driftwood, make small caves so they can feel secure.
  35. yvez9

    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    Finally after months of waiting, me and my girlfriend are going to Big Al's this evening to purchase a new 90 gallon tank! It's equipped with a 100 watt neon and a Filstar XP3 canister. It will be an oscar tank so no plants. It seems to be a waste to put so much light on a tank that won't...
  36. yvez9

    Cichlid Tank With What Looks Like Copepods?

    maybe you could try asking this in the marine section as well. i have no clue if copepods could survive in FW or not, sorry
  37. yvez9

    Sw Fish Becoming Fw Fish?

    is that were possible, a millions kids would have a freshwater nemo tank.
  38. yvez9


    depends on the fish
  39. yvez9

    Caught In The Act Of Egg Laying

    awesome pics but the link doesn't work
  40. yvez9

    Worm Feeding Cones

    they need to be alive otherwise they won't wiggle and fall through the cracks!