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  3. C

    Help identifying a white spot please - platy

    Should I start treating the whole tank for ick just in case please?
  4. C

    Help identifying a white spot please - platy

    Hello It is my first time posting and I am wondering if someone can help us please? One of my daughters platys has a spot on it's tail. It's a dull white colour and doesn't seem to be the same as pictures I've seen of white spot. It seems to be on one side of her tail, it either it slightly...
  5. Screenshot 2019-10-05 at 18.35.47 copy.jpg

    Screenshot 2019-10-05 at 18.35.47 copy.jpg

  6. Screenshot 2019-10-05 at 18.35.25 copy.jpg

    Screenshot 2019-10-05 at 18.35.25 copy.jpg
