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  1. M

    Malawi Cichlid Diet Query

    Just got to be careful with Mbuna and their long digestive tracts. Too much protein and I’ll end up with a bloat issue. All a beautifully intricate balancing act really. Like I said I’ve kept Mbuna for around 10 years without issue but was just one of those late night thought processes. cheers...
  2. M

    Malawi Cichlid Diet Query

    Sorry buddy. Would’ve helped wouldn’t it at the moment there’s 5 Yellow Labs, 3 Acei and 2 synodontis petricola. Nothing dramatic, they’re grazing at the rocks all day regardless of me feeding them.
  3. M

    Malawi Cichlid Diet Query

    This is likely a really stupid question, but in the small hours I was thinking about the years I’ve kept Malawi’s successfully (Circa 10 years) I’ve had some minor issues with this batch I’ve started with recently, seemingly an internal parasite issue. I’ve been feeding Thera+ for the past week...
  4. M

    Good Evening All!

    Thanks Everyone, not sure if any of you have had any exposure to the Fluval Aquasky Bluetooth LED light? I spent 2 hours yesterday configuring a smooth sunrise/sunset with reds etc and then bringing in blues for night. Thankfully it has a preview that runs through the whole 24hour in 1 minute...
  5. M

    Good Evening All!

    Thanks! Okay confession time, it's actually some wallpaper we had in the cupboard under the stairs :fun:
  6. M

    Good Evening All!

    Friendly Hello from Cheshire, Not really new to fishkeeping, used to have a lovely tank with Malawi's, moved house and sold it because my OH's sister was moving in with us for a while (NEVER AGAIN!) anyway, went to the garden centre at the weekend and found a beautiful tank, just had to buy it...