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    Landscaping and plants

    Fab thank you very much
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    Landscaping and plants

    I cleaned and put the sand in today, very pleased with it, thought I would check if you don’t mind, is the level of sand ok or do I need more? Thanks
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    Can anyone help with new tank pls

    I have upgraded to a larger tank which is 2nd hand, I have attached pictures if anyone knows about this unit, it’s an Interpet brand, it’s missing the filter/heater section which should be at the back of the unit, there are spouts inside which I assume flows the water, does anyone know what I...
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    Hey I’m new

    I just checked this on their website, it says Mod. SOFT and Clarke 5.25 so that explains why my water hardiness is low, maybe I am making a mistake also by doing 50% water changes to often and scrubbing all the ornaments and filter, maybe I’m being to clean maybe should I just rinse the plants...
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    Landscaping and plants

    Aw your tanks look so healthy and green, by play sand do you mean like what you get in a toy store for like £3 a bag ? I never knew this could be used in aquarium tanks I always thought it had to be a special sand which is why I was prepared to spend more.
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    Hey I’m new

    I never knew you could do that, so you mean contact united utilities for the hardiness in my water? When you say a number and a unit I don’t understand what you mean by this, do you meant the tank unit? I read online you can put bicarbonate of soda in to raise ph will this help also? I can’t get...
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    Hey I’m new

    Thanks I will have a look at these, I heard the liquid is best but which brand? I usually use amazon if anyone can recommend, i did a fresh 50% water change today maybe I should have mentioned this when doing a test, and I can’t find a calcium that was recommended is there a name for it or...
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    Hey I’m new

    Thanks for the info I have included a picture of the test the fishery marked it with a pen for me and said as long as it falls between the black lines, your water is good, so Iv had it like this for over 6 months with guppies, maybe I need a better test kit I’m not sure how accurate the test is...
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    Hey I’m new

    Oh ok it’s gh 120 and kh20 it’s in the test kit says, gh general hardiness and k h corbonate hardiness, I am preparing a new unit at the moment, so they are in a 90 litre tank currently. Thanks
  15. A

    Landscaping and plants

    What kind of substrate should I use under sand, thanks
  16. A

    Hey I’m new

    Can I ask about the hardiness of the water and how it can be increased mine is very soft when I do a water test, KH 20 i know it’s suppose to be between 80 - 180 thanks
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    Hey I’m new

    Yes that’s absolutely true, he has a black tent too with projector so when he is stressed he will go inside and it calms and soothes him, he has always been mute and only starting talking the last few months, since we had all the sensory equipment, he loves the noise of the filter in the tank...
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    Hey I’m new

    Wow thanks for all the info, as for my son he is actually very bright and gifted with an amazing memory, he is only 4 and can name every shape incl 3D and 2d every planet in space, maths and English above average for his age, he just absorbs like a sponge I have a sensory bedroom with a bubble...
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    Hey I’m new

    Yes I have uploaded the tank details thanks
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    Landscaping and plants

    thanks for your reply, do you think I’m best just keeping to the sand then? And just use potted plants
  21. A

    Landscaping and plants

    Hi I am just in the process of setting my new tank up, I just ordered some volcanic soil for the plants, I want to half the tank to have a landscape feature, so the other half with be sand, my first question is do I need to cover the soil with gravel or even sand? And which plants would you...
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    Hey I’m new

    Hi just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to the forum, as a child we always had fish aquariums so I know the basics, but I am starting my own new aquarium at home, my son with Autism is obsessed with fish, and it’s very sensory for him, so we are looking forward to having it up and ready...