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    New fish has white spots pls help

    I have mineral rocks in the filter with carbon mesh, and also I have filter pads in the back section of the tank I have removed all these, it says treat again after 4 days then do a half water change, thanks for the info, none of the other fish are affected just this 1 and it looks pretty bad...
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    New fish has white spots pls help

    Yes I removed the carbon I mean, but what about ornaments do they need sterilising ? Incase any eggs on them or will they just die being out the water? Thanks
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    New fish has white spots pls help

    So I have just removed the carbon filter and all rocky ornaments from tank as per instructions, is this really necessary? As says needs treating again after four days, so all seems a bit bare an no filtration, just for the new fish, just don’t want my new guppy fry affected, how do I quarantine...
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    New fish has white spots pls help

    Hi, I Purchased a new fish yesterday just to make up for numbers, and today its covered in white spots, all my other fish are fine, so I can only assume it’s a water difference from the tank water it was in, if it’s ich I have white spot treatment, but not sure if to use it with all other fish...
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    Nitrate pls explain

    thanks I just done a 50% water change and cleaned tank, just done another test and it’s all good only the carbonate hardiness is a little high, not sure what to use to bring it down, but everything else seems fine, I also did a liquid water test pls see picture, tap water on left is green...
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    Plant identifier

    Hi can anyone please help me find the name of this plant? I purchased it today but completely forgot what it was called and I love it, so do my fish
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    Why is my tetra chancing her own kind

    Hi I have a group of colour terras, but the peach colour one is looking a bit fat than the others, and every time the others go near her she is chasing them, he/ she? I don’t know then it occurred to be could she be pregnant with eggs or could there be another explanation please see pics
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    Nitrate pls explain

    Not sure where to post this but I recently did a water test I use tetra strips and I provided results, but can anyone explain what I need to do to bring this down, as I have baby guppies seperate from other fish so want to keep the water perfect, I only did a water change last week 30% and...
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    Are my guppies pregnant?

    I have just noticed out of the 20 babies, there is 1 black one, I thought they are all clear white when born and don’t have any colour?
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    Are my guppies pregnant?

    Yes that makes lots of sense, my parents have a huge tank aswell so she will be having some when they have grown a bit, thanks for all the support, such a love experience for the kids to see as well.
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    Are my guppies pregnant?

    Thanks for the info, she has 17 in total now, all the other fish are hovering because there is live babies in there, I’m sure they r just food to them though, unfortunately I don’t have a seperate tank, and I am not sure how long they give birth for or is she is done, so shall I release her in...
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    Are my guppies pregnant?

    Aw she has just gave birth it was so amazing to watch, it’s our first time with fish having babies after our last pregnant guppy died, I put the fry and birth box in earlier and she was inspecting it, thought I’d let her get use to it first, then she started hiding behind it, so I put her in and...
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    Are my guppies pregnant?

    Hi I’ve uploaded a video can anyone tell me if my two guppies are pregnant, the one with the yellow tail and the one with blue shadow tail, pls ignore the particles in water as Iv just done a water change so waiting for things to settle down. Thanks
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    Left over aquarium gravel ideas?

    Hi I have now moved all my fish to a new tank set up with sand, but have a huge bag of left over coloured gravel, does anyone have any ideas I can do with it, was thinking like doing a feature in the garden or something, Iv used some in household plants, incl the aquarium water because plants...
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    Pregnant guppy scales sticking out pls help

    Sadly my guppy died, I will know now what to look out for with signs, to prevent this and treat my fish in future, thanks everyone for all the advice.
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    Transferring fish to new tank

    Quick question, when I transfer my fish to the new tank, do I just put them in or do I need to put them in bags for a bit in new tank before releasing them? Water is them as been using water from there tank and both water test are the same.
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    Hey I’m new

    I’ve tested the PH And it is showing as 8
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    Pregnant guppy scales sticking out pls help

    Yes she was pregnant it’s why I put her in a seperate tank for her fry to survive, I think moving her so late an new tank has caused the dropsy, she is still going I treated her with esha 2000 which is for dropsy, it’s a 3 day dose, so hopefully it not to late an she may pull through, no way am...
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    Pregnant guppy scales sticking out pls help

    Aww no I have just looked this up, it doesn’t sound good at all, I have aquarium salt which I have added to the water as per instructions, but that’s just a normal dose, I didn’t rly want to disturb her, incase I stress her out more, she has 2 red spots on her now, is there anyway I can save the...
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    Pregnant guppy scales sticking out pls help

    Can anyone please help me, I set a new tank up for my fish using water from previous aquarium and some aqua balls, tested water all good, decided before putting all fish in I would just put my pregnant guppy in to give her space to have her fry, only thing I did different in this tank was add...
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    Guppy Fry

    I also have a pregnant guppy she is rly big now, can see them from her black spot which is now orange, I have another new tank I’m setting up, can I put her in it to have her babies so they don’t get eaten by other fish, or does she still need a male with her? Thanks