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  1. K

    Has any one kept an electric blue jack dempsey with a rainbow shark fish?

    Yeh i get what you mean its a 240litre fully planted shark has lived with neons harlys corys plecs and ember tetras and a blue gourami and an angel never had an issue with him. He never stays in one hide and is all over the tank cleaning plants and wood but never still for a second. I dont know...
  2. K

    Has any one kept an electric blue jack dempsey with a rainbow shark fish?

    I have recently bought two very small ebjd, these were rescued from a pet shop they were both very skinny with pop eye and the smallest ebjd only had one flipper. I have treated the tank and pop eye has got better and the smallest was doing good but a few weeks later woke up to it dead. The...
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  4. K

    my shark fish wont leave my electric blue jack dempseys alone

    Sorry guys I moved house, this was a good read thank you. I got in touch with the pet shop but they wouldn't take the jacks back, my friend had a spare tank for me to lend until I can purchase a bigger one for these guys. I know its not ideal at all but they are now in a 65litre tank just them...
  5. K

    my shark fish wont leave my electric blue jack dempseys alone

    Well they didnt ask any questions at all, stupid on myself really for just going with my heart lol. What size tank do these guys need for them only? Do they need more then just two of them?
  6. K

    my shark fish wont leave my electric blue jack dempseys alone

    Right ok i will try and rehome them straight away, will the pet shop give me a refund?
  7. K

    my shark fish wont leave my electric blue jack dempseys alone

    So my only option is to rehome the jds then 😭 i really like these fish, i should of really looked into it first i did with the other fish i just thought with sharky been so calm with the others he would be fine. Theres loads of plants and hide aways so guessed they would hide out. But it is...
  8. K

    my shark fish wont leave my electric blue jack dempseys alone

    He is in there with a blue gourami and he never bothers the gourami
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  10. K

    my shark fish wont leave my electric blue jack dempseys alone

    I have had my shark for nearly 2 years now and he's lived with all sorts of fish and always been calm and hardly ever chases anyone. I have just bought two small electric blue jack Dempsey's which were on the very thin side when I bought them from the pet shop (I wanted to rescue them and feed...
  11. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    They will not sit still long enough for me to get a good photo but i havent seen anything on the guppies mouths?
  12. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    Wow they are hard to picture they dont stay still for a second i have tried my best with photos of the guppies
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  17. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    this is of the harlys yawning only managed to get one doing it but they all do it
  18. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    Yes there is an air stone in there with two outlets but since rising temp my pleco always seems to be sat at bottom now, he used to be very active moving from decor to decor
  19. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    Since raising the temp i have not seen no flicking but seen more resting at the bottom same with my pleco now hes been sitting on sand today which is not like him/her could that be due to the heat its at 86f now
  20. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    I have catfish in there and snails i thought i couldnt use salt with them been in the tank and i read that albino corys dont tolerate salt well?
  21. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    Unfortunately i can not seem to capture them flicking i will keep trying just dont want to loose any more fish
  22. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    After reading more on velvet it says they will also be lose of appetite but all my fish are eating fine and are always looking for more. And still no visible white spots for me to think its white spot. I dont clean my actual filter often should i take the full filter out and give iy a good clean...
  23. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    I do have a bottle of disease clear by king fisher would that help any of the issues i have?
  24. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    I am at work at min so will get a video of the other fish tonight. I have raised my temp to 85f and not seen any corys flashing since. I managed to get a photo of 1 cory this morning in dark but i had to use flash on my camera so dont know if it will show if its velvet or not but i will add that...
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  26. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    This is the product and some of my fish do look bloated to be honest but i do feed a lot some times to but recently i have noticed a few fish with stringy white poop but it doesnt move or anything looks a bit like a skinny empty sack. I have noticed that the harlys seem to yawn or stretch there...
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  28. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    Thank you for not judging after reading about every fish in there i know some were a mistake. But i do really like them all and dont want to see any hurt (hopefully the females are not pregnant and dont breed as i dont want them in there) but for now the rest are ok i am concerned about my corys...
  29. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    This is the tank
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  31. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    Sorry tank is a 240litre fluval roma
  32. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    To be fair the bronze hasnt done that since, they all seem fine until the odd twitch and the resting. My first 3 albinos i bought never really rested they zoomed round tank like they were chasing each other lol since adding the new 6 is when everything started to change, iv lost 2 bronze and 1...
  33. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    this is what one of the bronze were doing. When the lights go out tonight i will try get a photo of them in dark with a torch and upload it
  34. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    so thats a video of them today eating i havent seen any flicking today but like i said they dont do it all the time. And i will also add some videos of what i have caught on video thanks
  35. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    My ph is 7.5 o nitrates
  36. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    My ph is 7.5 and nitrate 0
  37. K

    Problem with corys flashing

    So 1 of the corys does have a gold shine when i shine a light in dark over its gills, and no it seems to be fore they get fed there either flicking or laid on sand. As soon as i put food in there they come alive and go mad searching for food. Of to work now but i will try video them when i get...