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  1. B

    Silencing air pumps

    Crazy observation this morning, I opened the fridge half asleep to get a drink of water and all of a sudden I can hear the air pumps!!! I'd forgotten they were up there on top. I felt them just now and they're all very warm to the touch so I pulled the insulation off. I'll build a larger box and...
  2. B

    Silencing air pumps

    Is the closed cell foam fireproof like the fiberglass insulation stuff? I don't mind buying stuff if it's better but the landlord's replacing the hot water heater in July anyway and the fiberglass was already here in the way. Whispers used to have a little prefilter that kept stuff out of the...
  3. B

    Silencing air pumps

    I've got a number running now so it's at that point. 5 of them that are side by side I just dropped a piece of plain fiberglass insulation, insulation side down directly on top and covered that with a plain towel. Any problem with the plan I haven't considered? They're in an out of the way...
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  5. B

    Wholesalers needed

    Name is on the business license and sales tax ID account. I looked thru Central Pets offerings last night for an hour or so and it appears I should be able to blow the start up budget there getting the basics in the door to get established assuming the prices aren't insane...
  6. B

    Wholesalers needed

    Still getting no's from people the earlier no's referred us to.
  7. B

    Wholesalers needed

    I'm already stocking sticker books and coloring books from Penguin Random House, Lunar Distribution and Diamond Comics. If you have anything in those lines drop a catalog or ordering info off. In the short term I'm focusing on getting the basics but it shouldn't take long to start expanding...
  8. B

    Wholesalers needed

    Finally after half a dozen NO's Central Pet has me set up and approved. Fish came in yesterday and so far no loses. I got frustrated with the waiting and ordered 2 20's from Walmart since that was all I could get in the cart arriving Wednesday. 4 outlet Air Pump, 6 sponge filters and tubing...
  9. B

    Wholesalers needed

    Thank you. It turns out my fish supplier stocks Sera foods and has a big jug of something to dechlorinate with so I ordered a starter run to go with the fish and I'll get some small cups to break up some of the big bag of food into tiny betta starter cups. I'll check thru the list this evening...
  10. B

    Wholesalers needed

    I'm already set up getting daily shipments from penguin Random House for comics and books so I assumed there were probably something pet related available. I haven't looked yet to see since it's down the list of priorities. I've been expanding the childrens entry point inclusions the last couple...
  11. B

    Wholesalers needed

    When I started, most of my fish suppliers also stocked minnows, feeders, crickets, worms, nightcrawlers, etc. Most of these items double from bait for fishing to live food for fish and reptiles. It only made sense to add in a little tackle as well and have two markets trying to get more crickets...
  12. B

    Wholesalers needed

    It involved several e-mails back and forth but Hikari at least is going to have their rep connect me with some place to get their food they said late last night. I used to sell their line and would prefer to get everything from one source so there's less individual orders, paperwork minimums and...
  13. B

    Wholesalers needed

    I hope this is the correct location for this question. I owned a pet store from the early 1990's to 2001 in Virginia. Being that specialized in a small town of course led to closure as internet and other alternatives grew. Since 2012 I've run a comic and collectible store in the same town and...