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  1. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    cheers for all your help I really appriciate it. I've got some time off tmrw so will have a look at formalin dip and update you. Thanks again
  2. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    I'm well gutted! Just hope the little one will be ok? If it's brooklynella should I medicate?
  3. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Update The big fella died last night(sad times). His fin had completely disappeared! The small one seems to be doing fine. He looks strong swiming around and eating loads whenever I put food in. All his fins are intact but he still has a little of the white glaze about him. I'm preying he will...
  4. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    I bought some garlic enriched food yesturday and the small one is munching away! Bit more worried about the big one who is just keen on swiming in front of the power head. Now the light is off he has stopped though so will put some food in and see if he takes it. Will look into setting up a...
  5. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Update both clowns are still alive and still have a white glaze about them. On the bigger one, it has spread to his eyes and he is constantly swiming infront of the power head. He looks thinner and didn't eat when given food. The smaller one is swiming around the tank and eating well. His fins...
  6. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Got ya. thanks for all the help. I'll update on this thread with any updates thanks again
  7. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Cheers for the heads up. I'll check out those diseases and keep a close eye. Would the low salt levels at my lfs cause issues when introducing fish into high salinity? Extra stress for example or would the fish adapt fine?
  8. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Thanks for the advise I will feed well and if there is no improvement I will move onto treatment later. How long did your clown take to pull through? I've been having a read up and looks like my fellas have got "Oodinium" or marine velvet? Does this ring any bells? Plus I went up to the place...
  9. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Hi all Really worried about my clowns. I've just noticed they don't quite look the same. Both have a light white glaze/film on their skin. can only really see it in certain areas of the tank. Oh and both fins look a little frayed. One of them keeps swinging directly in the path of the power...
  10. CoMan


    AK77 and mattyg first I just wanted to say thanks for the quick replies...I've posted similar stuff on other sites and TBH got loads of views but no replies. As for the comments and advice cheers very much, I've been really worried that my initial setup was going too well and I was heading...
  11. CoMan


    Hi all I'm very new to the hobby but been following the forum for about 6 months just learning etc. Around 1 and half months ago I setup my tl550 Using ro water and red sea coral pro salt and placed about 10kgs of live rock with live sand as substrate in. It cycled and I saw a spike in no2...