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  1. C

    Neon Tetra

    I will get a water ph testing kit is it easy to test the quality of the water?
  2. C

    Neon Tetra

    I'm not sure the size of the as it was my dads tank it's pretty big thou. when I brought the tetras I also brought 6 zebra denias. there is also a pleco in the tank for about 5 years but that don't seem to be bothered by the tetras. I still have all 6 of the zebras left.
  3. C

    Neon Tetra

    Hi there. i brought 10 neon tetras on Friday it's now Sunday night and I only have 5 left I can see any bodies in the tank anywhere. the tetras I do have left seem to be attacking rack other is this a common thing? craig