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  1. tinfoilsrock


    no, its not in direct sunlight and probably 10-14 hours depending on the day.
  2. tinfoilsrock


    I have a 29 gallon take with 5 black tetras, 2 silver dollars and a 2 inch pleco ( who will be moved when he get too big) the filter does approx 200 GPH. The water is no where near outdoor sunlight, has a basic fluorescent light. The water is a greenish color. I know that this is usually...
  3. tinfoilsrock

    Pleco With Ich

    Yea, been doing heat and half the dose of parasite treatment. Whatever it is, its starting to go away!! :)
  4. tinfoilsrock

    Pleco With Ich

    Hello, The pleco was in a tank that very cloudy white water (guessing a bacterial bloom), had to do a major tank intervention and got the water back to good readings. for all the years i have had aquariums, I have fortunately never had to deal with ich so i am not positive on my diagnosis on...
  5. tinfoilsrock


    I actually just dealt with a similar situation, do you have a bubbler? if not get one as soon as you can, the bubbles cause the surface to break allowing oxygen to get into the water, plants may not be enough. as for the water change, how much did you take out? I would do a 50% water change...
  6. tinfoilsrock


    Sounds like you need better aeration, do you have anything disrupting the surface to oxygenate the water? what color is the water? if its a whiteish cloudy you may have a bacterial bloom which would explain for the lower oxygen levels.
  7. tinfoilsrock

    Glo-Lie Tetra Distended Abdomen

    Thanks for the picture advice. You can see from the picture that the Dorsal fin is tattered, im unsure when this occurred and if it is related to the abdomen. I couldnt get a picture from the front, that's when you really can see it, but i will keep trying...
  8. tinfoilsrock

    1000 Us Gal Project

    20 tinfoil barbs!! thats my dream :) I love working with stingrays too!
  9. tinfoilsrock

    Glo-Lie Tetra Distended Abdomen

    whoops, title was suppose to read... "Glowlight tetra, distended abdomen" :)
  10. tinfoilsrock

    Glo-Lie Tetra Distended Abdomen

    Hello out there!! I have had my 29 gallon up for about 3 months now, its a tank of bloodfin (5), neon(7) and glowlight tetras(5). After working with larger fish for so long, I wanted to try a tank of smaller guys :). The parameters are nitrate 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, hardness 120, Alkalinity 80...