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  1. MiracleTank

    I’d like to enter my 60 gallon tank for consideration for TOTM. I have:

    I have: 12 black skirt tetras 8 neon tetras 4 fancy tailed Glo Tetras 3 Glo danios 3 striped danios 3 leopard danios 8 harlequin rasboras 2 nerite snails 2 apple snails Numerous live plants in clouding Java fern, Amazon sword, Anubias and floating najas Tank is a 60 gallon cube Whisper 75...
  2. A0645731-44DC-4E51-9FB7-4D75DA70C458.jpeg


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  7. MiracleTank

    Black beard algae

    My tank also had very stubborn black hair algae. After a thorough cleaning (removing as much as I could) I woke up one morning and one small plant was covered in it again. I introduced Apple snails immediately! The next day, the plant was completely cleaned of the algae. It never came back again.
  8. MiracleTank

    Black Skirt Tetra babies

    I will take a photograph later when the light switch to Moonlight. She stands out even more beautiful.
  9. MiracleTank

    Black Skirt Tetra babies

    Thank you so very much. She is a Glo Fancy finned tetra. Queen of the tank! She is 4 years old and going strong! They use part of the iridescence and jellyfish to create the spectacular coloring.
  10. MiracleTank

    Black Skirt Tetra babies

    Babies day out! No bigger than your pinky finger nail, the babies came out, albeit shortly, for a quick expedition of the aquarium!
  11. MiracleTank

    Black Skirt Tetra babies

    Thank you so much! There are also 2 African frogs, 3 merits snails and 2 apple snails. Thanks! I will. That is a 60 gallon tank.
  12. MiracleTank

    Black Skirt Tetra babies

    I just found two more! Much smaller and swim away if I get close to photograph. I’ll keep you posted!
  13. MiracleTank

    Black Skirt Tetra babies

    Oh yes! Absolutely it is a blessing! The reason I put that post up is because while I was researching the “miracle” occurring in my Aquarium, I only found articles on how difficult it is to breed Black Skirt Tetras and here I have them popping up every three weeks! Thank you all for the warm...
  14. MiracleTank

    Black Skirt Tetra babies

    I have been reading that black skirt tetras are difficult to breed. That is not true of my aquarium! Approximately once every three weeks I find a tiny little baby hiding in the plants. My school of tetras started out as six and now I have 14 I am doing nothing to purposely breed these fish. Yet...