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  1. C

    Is there anything better than new fish day?

    Your new babies are adorable. Congratulations!
  2. C

    High pH .::

    I wondered about that and asked the question at my lfs and was told it wouldn't harm them. It has stuck in the back of my mind that it's not good. There is no way to bypass other than buying water from the store, which I might have to do.
  3. C

    High pH .::

    I should probably add that I live in a rental and it has a water softener.
  4. C

    High pH .::

    Oh sorry. The GH is 30 ppm and KH is 240.
  5. C

    High pH .::

    Ammonia is 0. General water hardness is 30.
  6. C

    OMG my Aunubias Flowered (pics)!

    Awww it is adorable. I don't have any answers but I love your tank.
  7. C

    High pH .::

    I recently lost my first Betta and I know of a couple of things I did wrong that led to the demise of my little guy. I'm working to correct those things before getting another fish. Today I was checking my water as I still have three Nerite snails in my tank. I checked the ph and it is 8.4. A...
  8. C

    Intro post ... New and learning

    Hi everyone! I am fairly new to fishkeeping and have a lot to learn. I'm excited to be part of this community. My first betta, little baby Cujo, just passed on this morning, which is what brought me here sorry to say. It appeared that everything was fine until it wasn't and he got a fungal...