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  2. J

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Hi I've just got two albino corys who seemed to have layed eggs, but I think there both female are they or is one male?
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  7. J

    Fluval Aquasky

    Had a fluval Aquasky and I love the settings you can have and have so much better plant growth than my previous lighting system. The only down side is that the setting I've found to have good plant growth makes the water look a little greeny. I was wondering what setting other people use that...
  8. J

    I love fish LED lights

    I bought my young daughter a second hand tank for her as she's a beginner. In the Hood is a two strip of LEDs but they don't seem to eliminate the tank enough. There is room for another double strip of LEDs and a single, My question is where can you get these or what else is compatible with...
  9. J

    Tank water evaporation

    Thanks I've spoken to a mate who's a glass engineer and he's gonna make me one.
  10. J

    Tank water evaporation

    No, it has the original lid the tank came with and the lighting unit built into it, however when I got the aquasky I cut out the old unit and it left a gap for the aquasky light too lightnup the tank. Where could I get a glass top from?
  11. J

    Tank water evaporation

    My tank water level keeps falling quite rapidly at the moment all of a sudden. I presume that it's evaporating because I've recently purchased a Fluval aquasky 2.0 and cut out the old light from the lid so the light from the aquasky can light up the tank. Is there anything I can do too slow the...