Search results

  1. J

    Heater debate.

    Where and how is best to place your tank heater? I've always had it at the opposite end of the tank from the filter and at an angle. However I've read on a few sites it should be closer to the filter and straight down at a 45 degree angle which is correct?
  2. J

    Help with sexing juvenile Kribs

    Bought a couple of juvenile kribs and was unsure of the sex. Maybe two males or maybe one male and one female but not 100%. What does everyone else think?
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  8. J

    Help Bristlenose illness

    Can anyone tell me what's up with one of my Bristlenose plecos? Best waybto treat or will it heal on its own?
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  10. J

    Aquasky 2.0

    Still having problems with brown algee on plants and decor. Anyone got any tips. Any tips with settings for the aqua sky 2.0?
  11. J

    Kribs not eating

    I have a male and female pair Kribs that have paired up and are showing signs of spawning. However both have stopped eating as normal if at all, is this normal in the spawning process?
  12. J

    Suggestions on encouraging my Kribs to spawn.

    Well that didn't last long, they are now taking it in turns to go in and out of the cave when not hanging round the entrance.
  13. J

    Suggestions on encouraging my Kribs to spawn.

    So they have really dug out the cave a left the biggest mound yet, however the male is in the cave guarding it and won't come out, while the female just hangs out at the entrance. What is happening here?
  14. J

    Suggestions on encouraging my Kribs to spawn.

    The female doesn't seem to be laying any eggs though as I never seem to see any in the cave for the male to fertilise.
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  17. J

    Suggestions on encouraging my Kribs to spawn.

    I have a pair of Kribs who have coupled up and have found a cave to nest. Every couple of weeks they take it in turns to dig out the subtrate in there mouths then the female sits in the cave for a few days while the male chases of other fish. Then nothing no eggs in the cave or fry. Then a...
  18. J

    Kribs preparing to lay eggs?

    I have a pair of Kribs and they have dug out all the subtrate from inside and around the back of a coconut and piled it up outside the entrace. Are they preparing to mate and lay eggs in the Coconut?
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  21. J

    Help with YO YO loach

    What is happening with one of my YOYOs? It's happened before a few months ago but not as bad and sorted it's self but I'm not sure what's happening. Is it stress? An infection or somthingn YOYOs do from time to time.
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  24. J

    Pregnant guppy?

    Just a quick update after two and half days she's given birth too 6 fry so I've scooped them out and her and separated for a day or so just in case she delivers any more. And will keep the fry separated for a few weeks.
  25. J

    Pregnant guppy?

    Bought some new guppies today and I think one of the females is pregnant already, if so how far along do people think she is and how long until she gives birth?
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  31. J

    Water changes

    How often do people do water changes? How much do people change? Ive seen everything from 10% 25% 50%. I have several tanks and all are fine however I've just got my daughter a small 40l tank with guppies in and at first everything was fine they were breeding and the fry were thriving. 5 months...
  32. J

    Aquasky 2.0

    Had an Aquasky 2.0 and can't seem to get the right settings I need. I either have to much light and plants grow nice but then have a massive problem with brown algee all over the leaves and glass. Lower the light and time the algee goes but the plants suffer and die. So what settings have others...
  33. J

    New Filter Help.

    That's what I originally thought, but when asked the question and looked on the Internet there was all sorts of different answers. I've always bought the same brand of filter so never had this problem before. My tanks very well established (years) To be on the safe side might leave it in for a...
  34. J

    New Filter Help.

    Unfortunately not the media is totally different.
  35. J

    New Filter Help.

    I've got an established tank but the filter is on its last legs so bought a new one. Do I put the new one in the tank with the old one and run both until the bacteria builds up on the new one? If so how long for 1-2 weeks a month? Not sure the Internet giving different answers.
  36. J

    Male or Female?

    I recently purchased two albino corys and today one has laid eggs, however I thought they were both Female, can anyone tell me if they are or is one a male. Thanks
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