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  1. L


    well im new to fish keeping so i dont have a large range of test kits just one for ph. the guy that tested my water said that everything was good except the ph, he didnt give me the numbers for anything else
  2. L


    my ph is 9.3
  3. L


    well i cycled my tank and i used bottled water not tap water. i got my water tested at a pet store and they said the only thing wrong was the ph level
  4. L


    i got a small 3 gallon tank on friday i had 8 neon tetras in there and 3 days later all but 3 are dead. i tested the tank and the ph level is 2.5 points higher then it should be. i bought ph reducer and i am going to start lowering the ph level but i think it will take to long and im scared my...
  5. L

    Hello Everyone

    My name is Luke im 14 and im from Canada. i just got my fist fish tank ever for easter. i have 5 neon tetras, 2 lemon tetras and an algy eater. im having a problem with the ph level in my tank it is about 2 points higher then it should be and is the cause of the death of 2 of my fish. i have ph...
  6. L

    Read This

    i dont know if this is true for most pet stores but the one i volenteer at keeps there betas in with non agressive fish, they seem very happy and there have been no problems with the betas attacking other fish. i hate the places that keep there betas in shot glasses