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  1. M

    How Often Should I Change My Filter?

    Yikes! Seems I've been doing a lot of things wrong. I have not been medicating the tank, so I will leave that filter alone! Thanks for the responses.
  2. M

    How Often Should I Change My Filter?

    This is it: I'm not sure how useful the websites are. There's no specs on the box to tell me anything about the...
  3. M

    How Often Should I Change My Filter?

    I'm using Aqueon Carbon Filters in a 10 gal tank. Should I swap them out every time I do a water change? Once a week? Every two weeks? Every month? Want to keep the bio levels up, but the ammonia and nitrite down. I'm planning on doing a 50% water change and vacuum of the bottom of the...
  4. M

    Introducing New Fish - Advice

    A little over a month ago I had an ammonia disaster that wiped out most of my fish. I have 10 gal tank and since then I have done frequent water changes and worked at keeping both the ammonia and nitrite levels down. For the past couple of weeks I've been getting 0 readings on both with a slow...
  5. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I will continue to do water changes until I have the 0 readings as you describe. I was back to 0 and 0 last night and this morning. There's no telling what could have been in that first bucket. I thought I had rinsed it thoroughly, but I know better now. Alas, the snail did not survive.
  6. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    My ammonia levels were back up to .25 again this morning. (frustrating!) I'm at a loss. It was definitely down to 0 yesterday morning - then I added some food, a small amount there's only two fish after all - but I'm guessing that most, if not all, of it floated down to the bottom. Last nights...
  7. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    New test results after 90% water refill: pH = 7.6 Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 0 The Ammonia is the hardest to read, but in nice diffused sunlight it's definitely yellow. So I'm reading it at 0. The fish don't seem to be too impressed. I fed them this morning and the flakes floated...
  8. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I did almost the entire tank and dropped the algae control from the chemicals. I did a quick test of the Ammonia and it looked good, but I couldn't check it in natural light so I'll do another in the morning. We bought the algae control after a water change at the beginning of the summer made...
  9. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I went out and found the API Freshwater Master Test Kit - did a water change and tested again. According to the color charts my readings were this: pH = 7.6 Ammonia = 0.25 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 20 This was directly after the change in water and the addition of the Water Conditioner, Algae...
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  11. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I'm glad I posted the photos. My daughter took notes when she chose the fish but she was picking for beauty and variety. At the time, I didn't pay too much attention. I will going forward. I took a nice long sniff of the snail and it smelled just fine, so I'm gonna assume it's still alive and...
  12. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I'll start a recycle of the water and see how the fish do. I'm a bit concerned about how I would rehome the Pink Skirt Tetra - short of trying to take him back to the store. I only have the one 10 gal tank. I have to make it work. Interesting that you would say the Neon Tetra as being sensitive...
  13. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I'll start a recycle of the water and see how the fish do. I'm a bit concerned about how I would rehome the Pink Skirt Tetra - short of trying to take him back to the store. I only have the one 10 gal tank. I have to make it work. Interesting that you would say the Neon Tetra as being sensitive...
  14. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I finally was able to find the API Ammonia NH3/NH4+ Test Kit. The last one in the store. After checking three Fish stores on the west side of LA. (amazing!) In any case, I did the test and the water looks like it's reading "0" or maybe "0.25." It's definitely in the yellow range. (see attached...
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  16. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    Thanks so much for the replies and advise. I will get the ammonia test, or have the water tested, and post the results as soon as possible. One positive note: the Black Neon Tetra did eat some food this morning. Although he didn't actively hunt for the flakes, which is what he usually did, he...
  17. M

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    First the sad story: I screwed up last week. We had 7 happy and healthy fish, but it was time to change the water. When I couldn't find the regular (clean) bucket to drain and swap out the old water, I used what must have been a contaminated container. The water turned milky white and within...
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