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  1. LacertaIlla

    A List Of Questions...

    So my younger brother (who has ADHD, hence needing the post) has come to me this morning saying he wants to buy a Betta, specifically a blue one that goes really fast.     I think it would be a good idea for him to save up and buy his own fish (and tank, but I will be nice and let him have some...
  2. LacertaIlla

    Fin Rot Or Not?

    I used new tap water, de-chlorinating it obviously. There is a sponge filter and a heater in the tank yes, the temp is set for 20°c as I've read columnaris doesn't like cooler temperature. That's what I think I'm dealing with at least. I've only got a single remaining adult, Merle, and the fry...
  3. LacertaIlla

    How Much Do I Feed My Crayfish?

    It all depends on how big the pellets are. I give my crayfish a pinch of pellets every day and remove whatever she hasn't eaten after half an hour. You can also give it bloodworms, algae wafers (although Nyxie isn't too fond of them), I also give her turtle pellets which my turtles refuse to...
  4. LacertaIlla

    Fin Rot Or Not?

    5 more dead fish this morning. I'm left with 3 adult guppies, 4 molly fry and 1 guppy fry. Surprisingly, the fry don't seem to be affected by whatever it is.
  5. LacertaIlla

    Fin Rot Or Not?

    I've just gone and bought some Melafix, some Tetracycline Hydrochloride and a "multi cure" formula containing Malachite Green, Methylene Blue and Acriflavine. I've moved the fish into a 20 litre tank (5 gallons) and I've dosed the fish with the recommended dose for fry (I have 5 fry in a breeder...
  6. LacertaIlla

    Fin Rot Or Not?

    Update; I've just pulled two more dead fish out of the tank. That's a total of 7 fish I've lost to this thing. Some advice on how to treat it would be helpful.
  7. LacertaIlla

    Fin Rot Or Not?

    One of the guppies I bought the other day has something strange going on with her tail.    Yesterday she was fine. Today she looked like this.       It is not from the other guppies biting her tail (it was happening to one of my other females, its stopped now and her tail is healing up...
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  11. LacertaIlla

    Sponge Filter And Sand?

    Hello Hello, I'm back with another silly question.   So I have adopted a co-workers fish (and two tanks). All of the fish minus 6 molly fry and the guppies are in the big tank (I'm worried about Bruce (Bala Shark) eating the guppies and fry). At the moment, the guppies are in a 20L (5 gallons)...
  12. LacertaIlla

    What On Earth Are These?

    I did put the gravel in a large plastic tub before soaking it in hot water. I have to wash the tarp tomorrow and lay out the gravel to dry in the sun. I've done a little reading and apparently the fresh water bristle worms are rare to see, is that true? And where would they have even come from...
  13. LacertaIlla

    What On Earth Are These?

    For now, I only plan on putting the guppies in there, but if my mystery snails breed I would like to put some of the babies into that tank, so I'll try the boiling water and leaving it in the sun method.
  14. LacertaIlla

    What On Earth Are These?

    It didn't sting me when it (accidentally) touched me, but I'll make sure I wear gloves.   How exactly do I go about getting them out of the gravel? Are there any chemicals I can use? The tank isn't yet set up, I have all the fish I received from my co-worker temporarily in a small tank (which we...
  15. LacertaIlla

    What On Earth Are These?

    I got a new fish tank from a co-worker. There was algae on the back of the tank and I was in the process of pulling the gravel out of the tank and I noticed these worm-like creatures.   Can anyone tell me what they are and how I can get rid of them?    
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  19. LacertaIlla

    Safe Crystals?

    Thankyou all so much for the help. eaglesaquarium, if I could find crystal cluster ornaments I would, but no matter what I search I can't find anything. So, as long as I stay away from crystals that are blatantly toxic when wet (like Malachite), and crystals that are water soluble, I should be...
  20. LacertaIlla

    Safe Crystals?

    Julie, do you happen to know what type of crystals they are?
  21. LacertaIlla

    Safe Crystals?

    She already destroys the pieces of Elodea that are in her tub at the moment (however I don't really mind as they're already dying...ish), so I figured she'd (kind of) do some of the trimming on the moss. I do want to grow it and sell it to my LFS, as they rarely have it in stock (whether that's...
  22. LacertaIlla

    Safe Crystals?

    I'm one of those looney tunes that do believe in crystal healing, however the want for them in the fish tank is purely for aesthetic purposes. If I/Nyxie/the fish I put in the tank get healing benefits off of it too, its a bonus. The image I have in my head of different crystal clusters and...
  23. LacertaIlla

    Safe Crystals?

    Hello hello.   I've been doing some reading on crystals that are safe and unsafe for aquariums as I'd like to try and make a "Crystal Garden" themed tank for my crayfish, Nyxie.   From my understanding, all Quartz is safe, as well as all forms of Jade.   Obviously I want to stay away from water...
  24. LacertaIlla

    Sponge Filter

    She hides in a barrel decoration all day long, and when I've checked on her at night she is in there as well. It might be because she is due for a molt soon but I have no idea. We'll see what happens when I put her into a tank. I ended up buying the Serenity Aquatics biochemical sponge filter...
  25. LacertaIlla

    Sponge Filter

    I plan on having my crayfish, Nyxie, in that tank, along with maybe some guppies or tetras, possibly snails if my 3 mystery snails breed. When I was 3 that tank used to house another Electric Blue crayfish named Sebastian, and we had him on glass beads but they got thrown out (I think a lot of...
  26. LacertaIlla

    Blue Planet - Thrive Plant Food

      Maybe I need to be putting a few extra drops in then, as I haven't really been seeing a difference. The Elodea looks about the same as it did when it was in the store, and the Anubias still looks sad. We'll wait and see.   Um. Natural sunlight (the tank is near a window, I know it shouldn't be...
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  28. LacertaIlla

    Sponge Filter

    I'm looking to buy a sponge filter for the 55 gallon tank I have. I know my LFS stocks them, but right now the question is how to cycle it. I don't have a way (yet) to get gravel from in town back to my house (I'm a minor and can't drive a car yet, I ride my bike everywhere) and I don't like the...
  29. LacertaIlla

    Blue Planet - Thrive Plant Food

    All of the pet stores I went to this week were out of SeaChem's Flourish, or they had the ridiculously large bottles of it (I don't want a large bottle of it...not yet at least), however I didn't want to wait any longer to buy some fertilizer so I bought a 50ml bottle of Blue Planet - Thrive...
  30. LacertaIlla

    Just Bought Some Snails

      To my knowledge, no, and Bruce hasn't really seemed interested in the snails (yet).   That is really cool actually, its just a bunch of fish food mixed with gelatin yes? If so I'll definitely give it a go sometime.
  31. LacertaIlla

    Just Bought Some Snails

    I can't access the link, apparently my IP address is banned O.o.   The tank is 405 litres (104 gallons), but its only just over half full due to only having one fish in there (a Bala Shark) at the moment.   There is often food on the bottom of the tank (honestly, no matter how little food I put...
  32. LacertaIlla

    Just Bought Some Snails

    The guy at the pet store said they eat algae and a little bit of fish food that falls to the bottom, however I know that's not entirely true.   On Wednesday I plan on going and getting a water test kit and some algae wafers, I already have sinking fish pellets and some vegetables (lettuce (won't...
  33. LacertaIlla

    Just Bought Some Snails

    So I've just been and bought 3 mystery snails from my LFS.   All 3 snails have this hard...cap like thing on them in their shell...     Is that normal?   Thanks, Blue
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  35. LacertaIlla

    Bala Shark Got Stuck In Decoration

    Update; The wound on his head has completely healed! The silver part of his scales is yet to come back, but he is looking much better than he was 2 weeks ago.   I ended up finding out that that "salt fighter size" stuff was indeed aquarium salt, so I added a tablespoon (I didn't know how much...
  36. LacertaIlla

    Bala Shark Got Stuck In Decoration

    So Bruce won't sit still long enough for a photo  . He's very skittish fish, and I know part of that has to do with the fact that he is being kept by himself, but I also think part of it has to do with the fact the tank was not set up around people, so having people walk past his tank now still...
  37. LacertaIlla

    Id For A Plant

    Well it's held out this far, I think it can hold on a little longer. I would prefer to make the living things that I already have happy, so fertilizer it is. I can't remember exactly how much Seachem Flourish is from my LPS, I think it's in the $10 - $20 range, I'll have a proper look next time...
  38. LacertaIlla

    Id For A Plant

    I do keep an extremely close eye on it, but the tank never gets above 30°c, I am paranoid about cooking Bruce, so I keep a very close eye on my temps. I just finished cutting off all the dead/dying leaves from the plant, it looks a little bit better...kinda... There are three rhizomes on the...
  39. LacertaIlla

    Bala Shark Got Stuck In Decoration

    Its a 405 litre tank (104 gallons) that's 120cm l x 75cm w x 45cm d (47.24" x 29.53" x 17.72"), is that big enough? If not I will make a mental note to buy a bigger tank when I am able to move out. If that's what an infected wound looks like, I don't think it's infected, nor does it have a...
  40. LacertaIlla

    Bala Shark Got Stuck In Decoration

    Want to give everyone a quick update on how Bruce is going (Get it? Because he is a shark? Yeah, I'm not funny. :P). He seems to be doing alright. He's swimming around the tank and eating whenever I feed him. His fins seem to be healing up alright, and so does the gash on his head. It doesn't...