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  1. john.o

    Where Do I Drill The Tank?

    link to Guideline for Holes Placement :good: john,o
  2. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    Deep Sand Bed / Mirical Mud
  3. john.o

    Today I Went To My Lfs And Bought............

    Today I am going to my LFS to get a none return valve for my auto top up. :grr: Because yesterday while we where out, it back siphoned and flooded my breakfast room :sad: and in turn this left my sump dry which caused my nearly new {weeks old} return pump dead £££, so yep I am really peed of...
  4. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate / Phosphorus Checker ?

    Well peeps I have been looking at the new Hanna checkers that are out on the market :drool: and in particularly the Po4 checker to start off with to replace my D&D merk kit which has almost ran out, and the Hanna is only priced at £33.65 for the checker :good: then £6.65 for 25 regent tests...
  5. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    Looking good m8t :good: What type of sump have you decided to go with then? DSB / M/M?
  6. john.o

    Had An Interesting Chat With My Dad.

    Ha-ha I wish my other half thought like your dad harry When I suggested an upgrade to a 60L X 24W X 30H tank in the wall. My wife went absolutely nuts O NO!! I don’t think so I remember the last time you wanted a new tank... :rolleyes: well I guess she has got a point I did make a bit of...
  7. john.o

    Np Reducing Biopellets

    How you getting on with these m8t? Did you decide to use them in the end? I have just ordered mine today :good: but to be honest I don’t think I will start it off till next month when I get back from my jolly’s :rolleyes: , as I am waiting for bespoke reactor that a guy over on UR is making...
  8. john.o

    After A New Skimmer

    :crazy: for that kind of money like seffie has said you could get a second hand deltec mc500 / mce 600 / or if you’re really lucky you could get a apf600 Or if you’re looking for brand new then I would go with a bubble magus NAC6 A form about £160 delivered in the uk or you could import one for...
  9. john.o

    Advice Needed For Clowns With Suspected Ich

    Nope no heat issues Ran perfectly at 25 :good: I had in chamber 1) ½ a sponge then phosphate remover ect in chamber 2) I moded the lid and placed a light above this chamber and I had it stuffed with cheato in chamber 3) I had a v2 nano skimmer {again moded, air line mod} and the heater set...
  10. john.o

    Advice Needed For Clowns With Suspected Ich

    Hello and welcome to the salty side :good: Can I ask what S.g you run your tank at as you do not mention this in your previous posts? And second can I also sagest running your temp at 25-26 ,puts a little less stress on the fish and slows down the metabolism which can only be a good thing in a...
  11. john.o

    V2 600 Or Mc500?

    I have had a turbo floater SL 1000 and IMO it is a very poor skimmer compared to the mc500
  12. john.o

    V2 600 Or Mc500?

    Yep don’t get me wrong the deltec mc 500 is a very good skimmer! If I where you though I would ask if the magnet on the pin wheel is ok {no grooves ect in it} because if this needs replacing you’re looking at £70 and if the pumps goosed £120 +
  13. john.o

    V2 600 Or Mc500?

    I had the deltec mc 500 in my sump and I thought it was the bee,s knees till I upgraded to a bubble magus BM 150 pro and well there is just know comparison the bubble magus blows its sock’s off, So I would say bubble magus every time over the mc500 The only thing I would say though is your...
  14. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please There you go m8t take a look on that site and see if what you need is on there I think that the grey pipe work used for aquariums is metric and the other stuff in the pluming shops imperial or vice a versa, can never remember which is...
  15. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Thanks for taking the time to check for me trod it’s very much appreciated, :good: I have just phoned the shop after seeing the diagram and I had every intension of going absolutely nuts with the guy :grr: , but to my surprise he offered me a full set of replacement filters free of charge...
  16. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Thanks for that Rabbut :good: I have just sent a couple of strong emails :shout: :devil: and I have had this diagram emailed to me... What can I say, over 12 months of running this unit plumed up as in my previous post :grr: , {It was plumed up like this when I bought it :crazy: } And...
  17. john.o

    Should Be Getting A Vortech Mp20

    Cool beans A really nice bit of kit Harry :drool: I bought one of those myself and then I was gutted because my tank is a hole in the wall and It was about 6mm to tight down the side of the tank to fit it in :grr: , in the end I had to swap it for a tunze 6055 and controller, it does a similar...
  18. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    How’s this coming along? :whistle: :kewlpics: Have you got any updates? John,o
  19. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Thank you :good:
  20. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    O thanks seffie :good:
  21. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Really Ok well there is defiantly some think still wrong with this unit! :grr: When I first got the unit I immediately noticed that the diagram for the built in flush was wrong Basically they had it the wrong way round when the tap was open it said PRODUCTION and when closed FLUSH / I...
  22. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    25mm :blink: O h no I honestly don’t think 1x 25mm down flow pipe will be big enough to handle the flow, the norm is 40mm pipe + for the down flow and 25mm for the return. The return will be under pressure from the return pump where’s the down flow is just like a plug hole really and it also...
  23. john.o

    has not set their status

    has not set their status
  24. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    Cool you will have to start a journal {with lots of pics, we like pics over here on the salty side :good: } What size bulk heads do you have for the down flow and return? And what type of system are you using in the weir, Duso? ken stockman? Other?
  25. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    Which pump or pumps are we talking about return pump or pumps for flow in the tank I would say for flow some think like the koralia 3 power heads x2, they give a good wide flow and are low on energy costs and are relatively cheap with a good reputation £35 - £40 each Or at the other end of the...
  26. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    As for equipment there are so many different ways a marine tank can be set up. urm the basics ….. :blink: Lights Light Timer’s Salt Mix Reverse Osmosis filter for makeup water or even better an RO/DI (deionization) filter. refractometer 2 Five Gallon Buckets (clean and for fish tank only...
  27. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    Ok here is a basic 6inch Deep Sand Bed sump the chamber sizes will all depend on what skimmer and return pump you decide to go with. The idea is the water flows down the down pipe into a filter sock then it goes into the skimmer before over flowing into the DSB chamber {the piece of glass at a...
  28. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Yep feel like a complete idiot :blush: :rofl:
  29. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Problem sorted :thumbs: Thank for all your help peeps :clap: 1st Changed the DI resin to start with RESULT very little to no change which I was very surprised about because the resin was as black as the night 2nd Changed the 5 micron Sediment filter and the Coconut Carbon Filter RESULT a...
  30. john.o

    Newbie Advice!

    I personally use caribSea dry Fiji pink sand i think the particle size is about 0.5 – 1.5mm :unsure: but again it depends on what you’re going to keep :rolleyes: , I have chosen that because I have a banana wrasse and it likes to hide in the sand at lights out and that size sand is soft belly...
  31. john.o

    Newbie Marine Advice Please

    Hi And welcome to the salty side :hi: The sump set up you have there is designed as an old trickle filter with bio balls, with the return pump been located outside the sump Now I would recommend a redesign with a Deep Sand Bed or miracle mud refuge. If you could please provide the following...
  32. john.o

    Newbie Advice!

    I would 2nd that there is nothing worse than salt creep and if you have your skimmer hanging on the back of the tank then you’re going to defiantly get some down between the back drop and the glass :P . :crazy: Now if you’re a little worried about painting the back then you could use blue or...
  33. john.o

    Newbie Advice!

    Absolutely slowly slowly is the name of the game on the salty side :good: . Plan as much as you can now and it will make your life so much easier in the long run and make for a better tank.
  34. john.o

    Newbie Advice!

    RO salt water can be kept for weeks at a time with no problems at all as long as no sun light gets at it {pop a black bin liner over the containers} and remember always give the RO salt mix that you’re going to use a good old bubble up for 24hrs before you use it for water changes...
  35. john.o

    Newbie Advice!

  36. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    ok it looks like I have been over thinking the inline unit :rolleyes: :blush: , I know the pens can be recalibrated so I thought that perhaps the in line units had a shelf life on them due to the probes getting clogged up with lime scale ect. But after doing a little bit of google in it seems...
  37. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Hi ben Thanks for the reply :good: I have just changed the 5 micron Sediment filter and the Coconut Carbon Filter + the DI resin yesterday {the 3rd time I have replaced in the 14 month I have had the RO unit} the unit still has the original membrane in it, its 14 months old now :blush: also...
  38. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    Hi seffie . Yep the op went ok thanks It was suppose to be just keyhole but I guess once they started it was worse than first expected. so they had to open me up a little more {4 inch more :crazy: } and do a open mesh hernia repair, it was painful for a few days after :sick: but it’s all good...
  39. john.o

    Ro Unit Maintenance.

    I am looking for some advice peeps, on the maintenance that needs to be carried out on my RO unit :unsure: after having a operation I have been unable to do the regular maintenance on my tank myself, and just recently I have noticed a difference in the appearance of my corals :crazy: so after...