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  1. D

    Film On Top Of Tank Water

    hi there ive got a film come on top of my tank water after changing the setting on my fluval u3 filer to the bottom outlet what is it and also can some one give some advise on the settings on the filter thanks dave
  2. D

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    i might be a newbe to the scene and dont want to stick my nose in but i was under the impression evan when your tank has fully cycled to add fish over time and not all at once that is why you have probly had nitrite spike too much load for the benfical bacteria to cope with hope every thing goes...
  3. D

    125 Litre Fishless Cycle Advise Needed Please

    hi i got my new tank last friday after setting it all up and adding water i added pure ammonia to the tank and got a reading of 7 ppm after leaving it for 5 days i started getting readings for nitrite but noticed that the ammonia reading haddent droped at all so i was wondering if i had added...