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  1. pablosolo

    Clown Dying

    I have a fifty five gal. saltwater with 2 damsels, 1 clown, 2 firefish, 5 turbo snails, 8 hermit crabs. All chemicals are fine, salinity is a little high. He was doing fine and eating well, seemed a little lonely though. So I got three yellow tail damsels to keep him company. 1 damsel got stuck...
  2. pablosolo

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    :rip: Spotted angel is gone. I am now fishless and will let my tank stew for a few weeks before introducing any new fish. Should I continue to do water changes if my chemical balance is ok? If so how often? I do still have two snails left, the lone survivors. My son and I started this tank a...
  3. pablosolo

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    :thumbs: I did a 50% change last night and dumped a whole bottle of Nitromax in with 2 capfuls of Paraguard for the ICH. I am beyond happy in reporting that I may have finally won Ph-7.0, NITRITES-0.0, Ammonia-0.0, Nitrates-5.0. And yes I am testing with liquid API. I awoke this morning to find...
  4. pablosolo

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    :sad: My white angel is no longer with us :rip: I hope I can save the spotted, he is the last of four fish in my tank, uuuugggghhhh! Pablo
  5. pablosolo

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    :angry: Welcome to my Nitritemare. I have done a 25% water change and vacced the gravel 2x and tested the water the next day to find that I still have nitrites off the chart, I mean seriously purple. My white Angel is no longer white and looks like his clock is ticking. What is red algae? and is...
  6. pablosolo

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    I did a 25% water change last night and nitrites still sky high, white angel has whitspots now, fins and coloration not looking good. I will do a 50% change and vac the gravel, then add more meds and nitromax. I guess I will find out if it will get better or have a fatal learning experience. By...
  7. pablosolo

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    There is a small black filter in front of my carbon filter, it is a whisper internal for 20 gal. tanks. Unfortunately I did not know about removing your filter before hand and now my filter is dried up which removed the bacteria, which is probably why the nitrites are so high, uugh! I will do a...
  8. pablosolo

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    If I have been informed corectly, you are not supposed to run carbon filtration while medicating your tank because it removes the meds. Is it safe to leave my tank with no filter for 7 days? My Nitrites are sky high and I want to do a partial water change, maybe 25% but I recently added salt and...
  9. pablosolo

    Angels Are Sick!

    :cool: Wow!! Thanx for the warm welcome!! I went and bought a master test kit, which I obviously should have done before hand.:stupid: live and learn. I have removed all carbon filtration from the tank so as not to deplete the meds and started my first treatment of Melafix, which was at 6:00p.m...
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  11. pablosolo

    Angels Are Sick!

    First off, I am a newbie so go easy on me. I have had tanks before but this is my first one in about 15 years. The tank has been up for about a month now. I first introduced two angels and four snails, two black and two gold. The angels were scared at first but then warmed up after a day or two...
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