Search results

  1. Jamie87

    Cichlid Parrot Fish?

    Okay. So.. I've been thinking of setting up a tank of my own. I am going to do a lot of research fist..just cause I want to do this right, and cause I just started working at petsmart and I want to learn my stuff. I really like the Cichlid parrot fish. But I want to find out a lot about em...
  2. Jamie87

    Yellow Spots?'s actually not my's really more like the family tank. yeah..they are in the same tank. They get along for the most part..sometimes chase each other around..but they're fine I guess. The tank is 125g. We've had it set up for prolly less than a year. And..I don't think the...
  3. Jamie87

    Yellow Spots?

    Thanks. So would that make it a male then?
  4. Jamie87

    Yellow Spots?

    I thought this would be the best place to ask this.. First of all..i'm new to fish..but I love em. And I just started working at petsmart so i'm trying to learn all I can bout fish and everything so I can give usefull information. Um...okay. So I have this African Cichlid and I...