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    Slime covering everything

    Whar malachite green? and where do you get it?
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    Slime covering everything

    I have a planted 30 gallon with low light approx. 45 watts. I have been having problems with Algae, the Hair stringy type growing all over the place. Most of my plants are dead or they are covered & not growing I even had a couple fish die. I got some oto's to help but now everything is covered...
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    Alright I gave you all the info you requested on my tank noone replied. Anyone have any ideas? suggestions?
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    I have tested the water and everything seems normal. No Amonia, No Nitrites, Nitrates were 20. The only difference I remember is the PH has slowly risen to around 8.2 and the Kh was slightly lower than normal. I always dechloronate the water before adding it. It is summer time and my water...
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    I have a 30 gallon tank that I planted about 3-4 months ago. It has low light about 35 watts. Everything was doing fine and then all of the sudden the plants started looking terrible, they quit growing and started dying. Algea has taken over and is covering everything. Also I have had a...
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    I have 2 Java Ferns connected to an ornament in my 30 gallon tank. They both turned brown and there is holes all through the leaves some if them have broken/fell off? The roots look fine but the leaves look dead. I have low light 35 watts. But Java Fern is the best for low light right? What is...
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    Small snail appeared out of nowhere

    Hey Flashfire, How do you know he died of old age? I just had an apple snail die and I was wondering what happened. How long do thet live? I got mine around July of 2004. I just recently planted my tank so I was wondering if that had something to do with it or if it was just old age
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    25 gallon

    Yeh, but what do you put them in, my light fixture only holds 1 bulb that is my problem.
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    25 gallon

    How did you get 50watts??? I have the same problem as your original post. My hood has 1 24inch light, which means I can only get 20 watts to my 29 gallon tank. I would like to have at least 45 watt (1.5 watt per gallon) PLEASE HELP
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    Not sure if I want to put the driftwood

    I read it was a fungus, not to worry the bacteria would eventually out compete it and it will go away. Keep up with partial water changes
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    planting my tank

    I have a 29 gallon (us) tank and I want to plant it. It is currently stocked with 4 corys, 5 neons, 2 black tetras, 1 mail betta, & 1 snail. It has gravel bottom about 2 inched It has a 30-60 power filter so there is plenty of current. I was wanting some help to get me started. Do I need CO2...
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    cloudy water

    I thought the same thing but no it is clear in a glass. As a matter of fact I just filled a 29 gallon tank completly up on Saturday and it was crystal clear and now it is cloudy. The old tank which is 10 gallon is so cloudy you can't even see the fish.
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    cloudy water

    I forgot to say the clouginess is Grey/white, not green
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    cloudy water

    I am at work and don't remember the exact numbers but all the tests were normal, nothing had changed from the past 8 months. Ammonia was 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate was like .25. The PH was close also, the only difference in the new water tests was the Kh it was alot lower (80 i think). I read to add...
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    cloudy water

    I need help. I just moved and my old house had well water, my new house has city water. I had a 10 gallon tank (3 corys, 2 neons, ,2 tetra, 1 snail) and after a couple of weeks in the new house it became very cloudy. I have tried everything it will not clear up. A just recently got 29 gallon...