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  1. K

    Shutting The Stable Door After The Horse Has Bolted....

    Oh thanks I didn't realise that. I'll put them back in quick! By the way, Leopard is now in the freezer awaiting burial in the family plot with the guinea pigs, mice & the robin we tried to revive after the cat had it. We usually try to sing an appropriate hymn - any suggestions?
  2. K

    Shutting The Stable Door After The Horse Has Bolted....

    Thank you for all your kind words. The freezer is probably a good option. I didn't think we had any carbon in the tank until after an emergency dash to the local acquatic centre last night whcih had me rooting down behind the back panel of the tank where I found one net back full of pieces of...
  3. K

    Shutting The Stable Door After The Horse Has Bolted....

    Hello everybody, I've just found your site. There's not really anything you can do to help, I'm just traumatised and need a sympathetic ear! We've had our tank for 8 years and all was well until I bought 2 fish & a plant from a local garden centre 2 weeks ago. A few days later 4 of the fish...