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  1. S

    Should I Add Another?

    I haven't seen any bronze corys at my lfs, but I will definitely look into getting more albinos and pandas because I would really like for my current one to perk up and get some friends lol.
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    Should I Add Another?

    The albinos are growing on me, so I'll probably end up getting another albino and maybe two pandas...
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    Should I Add Another?

    A friend of mine was moving and she was forced to find her fish new homes. I took several of her guppies and her only albino cory. Now I've found out that they like to be in groups. He's already pretty big (2.5 inches) and I was wondering if I added more cories to my 29 gallon tank if he would...
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    New Tank Mates

    I went to have a look around my lfs, and I think dalmation balloon mollies are adorable. Would they be suitable partners for my guppies? I read something about mollies needing salt, but would that hurt my cory and algae eater?
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    New Tank Mates

    Well, I'm not exactly sure of the type of algae eater (I've only known it to be called a common algae eater), but it's about 4-5 inches long. Both the algae eater and the albino cory were given to me because my friend was moving, so I just added them to my guppy tank. I wasn't aware of the cory...
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    New Tank Mates

    I just bought a 28 gallon aquarium with plans of combining my two 5 gallon tanks, which both have a few guppies. One tank also has an algae eater and an albino cory. So, I was hoping to add a new breed to the tank once I get everything set up and running for awhile. I really like angel fish but...
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    Pregnant Guppy

    I'll try putting her in a different tank. Thanks a lot :D
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    Pregnant Guppy

    I have a 5 gallon tank with a bio wheel filter. There are only the 4 guppies with some fake plants in the back of the tank. Hope this helps :)
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    Pregnant Guppy

    Hi, I have 4 guppies in my tank (3 female and 1 male) :wub: . One of the females seems to have been pregnant since late June and has appeared like she was about to burst over 2 weeks ago. Could there be problem thats stopping her from having her babies? :(
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    guppy babies

    Last night my pregnant guppy had her first set of babies. I saw her have only 2 (which she ate) and so far there haven't been anymore... this was baout 12 hours ago, and I was wondering how long it would be before she had the rest? :sly:
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    help needed!

    I'm very new and naive to the world of fish. I just set up a 5 gallon tank for my fancy guppies (I've had them over a month in a smaller tank). They were doing well so I decided to add 2 mollies (unfortunately one male and one female). Now after looking over the nice set of info on this site, I...
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    Hi, I'm new here, but what info I've seen so far has helped a lot. Thanks! :D