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  1. R


    Well, i got another Firemouth today!!!! B) :D 8) :nod: :hyper: :cool: :smb: :kana:. But I have a question, my 2 inch Firemouth has a very light brown color and is only red underneath the the gillplate. But the 5 inch I got today is a very deep blue and is red all over the throat and...
  2. R


    I got a firemouth Cichlid about 5 days ago, and well, he eats a little bit of the sinking goldfish crumbles, but he wont even come close to the cichlid floating pelets, i don't even think he knows it's there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he doesn't even come 4-5 inches near the surface!! Please help...
  3. R

    1 Gallon

    What could go in a 1 gallon? Because I have 3 one gallons sitting in my closet!!! Just wondering.
  4. R


    Hey guys, well when we take our dog to the vet, they have an oscar tank that doesn't look to be much bigger than my 20 gallon (maybe 30 gallons) with 2 10 or 11 inch oscars in it!!!!! :angry: Is this to small of a tank for them????
  5. R


    I now have pics in the Pic Section!!!!!!!! B)
  6. R

    My Tank

    My Firemouth cichlid, Dragon :D. He's about 2 inches long. Can anyone tell me from looking if he's male or female(sorry about using 'he', I don't really know) :)?
  7. Picture_0267.jpg


  8. R

    is my fighters finnage

    I have seen a betta with a tail like that before, it could be rot, nipping, etc. Go to :)
  9. R


    I can't wait untill Friday!!!! :hyper: I ordered a Firemoth from the pet store!!! Now I can have a pair, and my single will be happy for a mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool: :smb: :kana: :hyper: :) :D :rolleyes: B) ;)
  10. R

    How about this

    How about a pair of Firemouths,and a pair of Flag Cichlids??Or 1 Firemouth, and a pair of Flags???
  11. R

    WHat else

    Well if i can't have 2 firemouths in my 20 gallon, what else can i put in with one??? And what would happen if i did put 2 in there (i'm talking about a male and female, not 2 males)??????????? please tell me soon!!!!
  12. R

    How many Firemouths??

    What if i took the pleco out???? could i keep 2 then????
  13. R

    How many Firemouths??

    Is it O.K. to put four in the same tank??? 20 gallons
  14. R


    Well first off, I got a Firemouth Cichlid yesterday, the guy at Petsmart told me to get floating pelets, but Dragon (my Firemouth) stays in the plants and never goes to the top!!!!!! I gave Dragon some sinking goldfish pelets but I haven't seen him eat anything!! I'm afraid my Pleco (Jerry) is...
  15. R

    How many Firemouths??

    How many Firemouths can I put in my 20 Gallon tank with a plecostamus?
  16. R


    I just got a firemoth cichlid, I'm so happy!! :cool: :kana: :wub: B). I was just wondering, well I know you have to (or should try) to keep them in pairs. Well I really want a breeding pair, but I don't know if I have a male or female. I heard of buying 8 and letting them pair up, but there's...
  17. R

    Flag Cichlids

    Can I put 2 Flag Cichlids in my 20 gallon with my Plecostamus???? :dunno:
  18. R

    Flag chiclids

    How about a couple of flag cichlids for my 20 gallon???????? :cool:
  19. R


    Hi, well I just had a simple question. I have a 20 gallon which housed 2 goldfish and a pleco. The goldies died :( but the plecois all right. The tank is cycled and every thing(it's been like that for about 8 or 9 months). I was wondering what are some tropicals i can keep in my 20 gallon. How...