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  1. J

    Cucumber and other such veggies are O.K for fish?

    I recently (about 5 minutes ago) gave some cucumber to my fish :cake: THEY LOVED it as far as I know, this is O.K to do?? I just want to start varying their diet a bit
  2. J

    Hey, don't leave me out, I'm new too!

    I swear some of you people only reply so that you can have more posts
  3. J

    Stupid Barbs

    I have 4 tiger barbs They nip the other fish quite often Especially my peppered cories would adding a few more barbs make them nip at each other rather than the other fish? Will they ever relax or stop nipping at the other fish if I don't add more? They're really pissin me off :angry: I have...
  4. J

    I guess I'm new

    I'm new, I don't have a digital camera or a webcam or anything fancy like. I thought this was a really good site to find info about fish from others' experiences This is my first post i've had a 10 gallon tank for about 3 months ...and I recently (about a month ago) acquired a cheap 33 gallon...