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  1. S

    Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!

    Been following this thread since I joined. Whats the latest news? Good I hope...
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    Ill Swordtail

    OK thanks for the help...just didn't want to give it the chilled water treatment without checking first! Yeh the Tetra is thin with a bent spine. Should I just deal with both at the same time? Shame as I haven't lost anything for about a year now...anyway the girlfriend will be happy as at...
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    Ill Swordtail

    Hi Wilder, I assume you are talking about the Swordfish and not the wonky Tetra? It hasn't darkened noticebly, and is lying slightly to one side although this is probably because the tank (a Biorb) is curved at the bottom and it is resting between an ornament and the tank wall. When I've seen...
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    Ill Swordtail

    Just two males. When I stocked the tank I was a newbie and took advice from a shop. They told me 2 males was fine, and that one of the males was likely to change sex to a female...I now know this isn't exactly true, and is normally when a late developing male is miss-identified as a female...
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    Ill Swordtail

    Hi everyone. I've got a couple of Swordtails that I've had for about a year, I did a partial water change and cleaned the tank at the weekend, then the next day I noticed one Swordtail was not eating and was moping about at the bottom of the tank. Closer inspection shows that it has lost the...