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  1. FrontsBfrontin'

    My 150 gallon my 90 gallon and my 300 gallon.

    At 3 feet tall 2 feet wife 6 feet long. No no one messed with anyone..Tbh though I would never of put a turtle in the tank with the fish. Not a turtle guy..but Tbh. This was the picture from my buddy that I bought the tank from. There was no issues what so fact when the seal busted. I...
  2. FrontsBfrontin'

    My 150 gallon my 90 gallon and my 300 gallon.

    There we are my 300 with custom cannot two built in light strips and a fx6 and fluval 406 canister as well as 4 wave makers and a 150 gallon internal. The 300 is converted at this point to a Frontosa and Blue Mooris tank
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  4. FrontsBfrontin'

    My 150 gallon my 90 gallon and my 300 gallon.

    The 150 is housing Red Oscar(show winning) Flowerhorn, Red Devil and Jaguar. The 90 houses most of my frontosa and Blue Mooris. The 300 had a assortment of fish and a turtle in it before the seal sprung a leak. We are fixing right now. Thenonly pic that wasn't too big was this one
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  6. FrontsBfrontin'

    Sump help

    Hey a friend of mine purchased a 125 gallon sump needs it all set up all he has is the 20 gallon sump tank. Can anyone wright up the best way for us to go about this. 150 gallon tall tank for 125 bucks ge got s sweet deal.
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  10. FrontsBfrontin'


    Dont even say that ill cry
  11. FrontsBfrontin'


    Ya. Its actually just over 500lbs its 1/2 glass. And ya a mover wouldnt be to bad of a idea .
  12. FrontsBfrontin'


    HEY ! Moving my 300 gallon tank into its new home the tank has been stationary for sometime at a friend's. Why? I used to also be in better condition. I had 4 surgeries on my knee since. The tank is 634lbs . yes I measured it. Its 300 gallons . So 36inches deep. Here is my question. What's the...
  13. FrontsBfrontin'

    Try for the "blackwater" look

    I treat with high water temp and salt. I did it in all 3 of my tanks. The fish are now immune. They will get ich maybe once in a year and a half and it goes away in less than 24hrs. Its best to try to treat them naturally as they will build NATURAL immunity vs chemicles that kill the disease the...
  14. FrontsBfrontin'

    Canister filter - is it supposed to be like this?

    Ya I just do 6 to 8 weeks at a time. More with my planted tank. But I run two fx6 on my 300 gallon 2 fluval 406 on my 90 and a fx5 on my 150. So over doing it can help with matinence. You can also do exact ratings so for example I had two Marineland p350s on my 150 to start and I was tinkering...
  15. FrontsBfrontin'

    Canister filter - is it supposed to be like this?

    Yes they require the CPR like prime thats normal for many of them. Especially the ones that dont self prime. As far as the weight yea not light. Wait 8 weeks when its full of poo and stuff. Inweighed mine with new media it was 11lbs 8 weeks later it doubles. Lol as far as they go a good HOB will...
  16. FrontsBfrontin'

    From Idaho

    Hey glad to be apart of the forum. Avid fresh water fish(cichlid) enthusiast. I have a 90 gallon with True Red Terror Festaes mating pair. A 150 gallon with my Big Red Oscar(won some comps with him) my Male Super Red Dragon Flower Horn, Jaguar, and Red Devil. Then I got my prized possession. 300...
  17. FrontsBfrontin'

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    Uhh they don't grow fast they grow stupid slow 2 years you might get 6in