Search results

  1. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Day 6 Test Results: pH 7.4/7.6, Ammonia 3 (looks between 2 and 4 but closer to 2 today than yesterday), Nitrite 1.0ppm (up from .25 yesterday), Temp 82. I'm having trouble reading the pH. I measure it on the regular pH test and I get 7.6 (highest on the chart) then I test it on the high pH and...
  2. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for the support guys :thumbs: I'll turn up the temp to 84. WaterDrop the info off the Activ-Flora website says it doesn't affect pH also the Eco-Complete says it's pH neutral. I went with these substrates because I want to eventually have a planted tank. Thanks
  3. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Hello anyone that's interested :) I'm going to keep a daily log here of my fishless cycle in hopes that, with some help, I can get a clear picture of if things are going right or wrong with the process. I will update the first post each day with the results so all the info is in one spot for...
  4. Macro

    Hover Over Topic To Show First Few Lines Of Post

    Ace, your right it does pull out a snip of the sentence that has the word that you searched for. Thanks So maybe just having the hover over in the forums area so you can see the gist of a thread before you decide if it's a discussion you want to take part in.
  5. Macro

    Hover Over Topic To Show First Few Lines Of Post

    Hello, I'm new here but not new to forums. Have the "Powers that be" looked into a very useful feature that many other forums implement, that of hovering your mouse over a topic and having the first few lines of the original post displayed? It saves so much time when reading through the forums...
  6. Macro

    My Short Ammonia Adventure (Fishless Cycle)

    Hello everyone, Skip to the red part if you want to cut to the tip: I'm new here and just started my fishless cycle a few days ago (30 gal). I went looking for ammonia and all I could find were bottles that had surfactant in them so I came home empty handed. I had heard of starting the cycle...