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  1. C

    My Breeding Set-Up

    So sorry. I accidentally posted too quickly. It looks great! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    My Breeding Set-Up

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. C

    Strange Snail Behavior (new tank additions)...

    Sorry, your nitrate is fine, your nitrite is bad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. C

    Strange Snail Behavior (new tank additions)...

    Did you cycle your tank before adding animals? The ammonia and nitrate are too high which is likely causing your problems. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Does my Betta have Velvet?

    If I were you, I'd just do big daily water changes if you think the problem is fin rot. I also wouldn't wash the gravel or decorations because you'll kill any good bacteria that you'll colonize. Fin rot happens because of poor water conditions. Daily water changes could fix that. If you think...
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    Does my Betta have Velvet?

    Yeah. He could be a plakat for sure but the fins look rather chewed up to me. I'm no expert though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. C

    Does my Betta have Velvet?

    Was his tail that short to begin with? It looks like a very advanced case of fin rot. Also, how big is his tank? Small, unfiltered bowls are difficult to maintain. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Snail Questions

    Thanks for the information! I'm just guessing on the identity. Most of them are too small right now to have an identifiable shell. I won't worry too much about them then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Snail Questions

    Hi everyone! I recently brought home a plant that apparently had some hitchhiking snails (I think they're bladder snails?) because now I have a whole lot of them. I don't mind having them, since they'll help clean up the tank. My main issue is that I don't have a lot of algae in my tank and am...
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    Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Algae shouldn't be the cause of your fish dying. That's likely due to whatever is causing the algae bloom. How many fish/what type of fish are in the tank? Too much ammonia is likely the source of the problem, the algae is probably just a side effect. You could try getting live plants, those...
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    Bottom feeders for nano tank?

    My old betta terrorized my neon tetras. I had to move him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Video Betta Being A Betta.

    He is absolutely beautiful. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Nerite snail shell deteriorating

    I'd just like to point out that nature is brutal. A very small fraction of fry make it to the adult stage. Only a few of the captive bred fish would survive in the wild if they would be released today. The rest would make a lovely meal for whatever predator is dominant in that environment. The...
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    Ich on my Kuhli?

    After I stocked my tank, my fish had a fairly aggressive ich out break, mostly on my neon tetras. It went away with daily water changes, salt, and the addition of an airstone. It took a couple weeks, and the disease went through two roughly week long cycles, but I didn't lose any fish. Sent...
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    Does Neon Tetra Disease Present as a Lump?

    Hi everyone! I have a neon tetra that I've had for roughly 3 months that, over the last couple of week has devolped a lump on his body. Does anyone know what this might be? Water parameters on are track and there have been no additions since I added my fish 3 months ago. We had a period of ich...
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