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  1. Wan__copy.jpg


  2. gar.jpg


  3. E

    My fish tank

    :* Sisters tank
  4. man_.jpg


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    My fish tank

    im taking some piks of the fish but they are NOT cooperating. :X
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    My fish tank

    Here is my fish tank. it is a 50 gallon.
  7. keith.jpg


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    Whats your dream fish

    if you had all the money in the world what fish would you have?
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    Does anyone have this fish

    such a nice fish does anyoone here have this fish?
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    im not sure what species of cichlids i have. lfs just named them zebra cich's or a hornet cichlid. i think they are malawi. what other species are there? heres what i have though: 10g 4x (baby) Convict Cichlid (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) 50g Kennyi (Pseudotropheus lombardoi) 2X Dogtooth...
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    Convicts still have no color

    my 4 convicts are about 1 in. i dont really know how old they are but i think it has been 2 months since i bought them. i got them at a lfs they were soo tiny and i bought them all together as a family
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    Convicts still have no color

    buy some color enhancing food
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    ok thanks for your help
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    i just startd a 50g tank my fish out grew their 19g terarrium tank. i have 4 cichlids 2 silvertiped sharks and three tiger barbs. the fish are about an inch and a half and one of the cichlids is 2 1/2in.. i was wonding what you would suggest i get for a filter, sand or gravel, plants,food, and...