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  1. P

    Rainbow Problems

    thanks - no not fluffy at all
  2. P

    Rainbow Problems

    thanks for quick reply no sign of any abnormal behaviour. gills look fine - certainly no sign of swelling. have attached better pic. guy at the shop thought it might be bullying by firemouth or one of the catfish? water change (about a quater) last week but no effect. will test water. if...
  3. DSC00031.JPG


  4. P

    Rainbow Problems

    hi hope you can help with this problem. i have a well-planted, 300L tank with a mixture of medium-sized fish. just recently my rainbows (2 reds and 3 bosemans) have started showing what look like scratches. fish are about 4 inches long and have half inch scratches along their sides. have...
  5. DSC00036.JPG

