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  1. B

    Betta Eating Difficulties

    Hi again, I ended up taking a trip to the local aquarium and purchasing two of those isolation clear perspex containers that suction cap to the side of the tank. They normally have a divider, but i thought i'd give the both of them a bit of room. Currently I have my boy in one of them, and the...
  2. B

    Betta Eating Difficulties

    Hi there, New to the forums, and have enjoyed browsing the various topics for the last few days. I have a 100 Litre tank with 1 male Betta and three females. The male and two of the females appear to be in good health, and my water conditions are decent. I'm concerned about one of my females...
  3. B

    My First Betta! (pics)

    I too just brought home my very first Betta. He's a crown tail, and i love him oh-so-muchly. I've also purchased him a couple of females, which has really made him perk up. I have a picture of one of the lovely ladies, all named after Greek goddess's, this one is Athena (The other two are...