Search results

  1. E

    Cheap Tanks

    From what I've learned by talking to a lot of hard core fish guys around where I live the best way to get a cheap tank is to look on forums / craig's list for people in your local area wanting to get rid of their tanks. If you look hard enough you can find tanks for a steal and save by picking...
  2. E

    Urgent Help Needed...getting A Very Sickly Betta

    Well I am very happy to report mission accomplished. The betta surrvived the drive home from Boston and the transition to the new tank. It did leave me with one question though. I noticed when i was transfering the water that there were two bubble sacks with little tiny tiny black dots in them...
  3. E

    Urgent Help Needed...getting A Very Sickly Betta

    Thank you all very much for the quick replies i'll try to answer a few questions. Health wise the fish looked fine, just very skinny. He was swimming around and probably was in search of food lol. At this very second my tank is empty I was planning on filling it and adding the chlorine...
  4. E

    Urgent Help Needed...getting A Very Sickly Betta

    ok so here is the story: my girlfriend moved into college and she found that the girl who had moved out before the xmas break had left her betta in a jar to die in the room. luckily the guy is still alive after more than 3 weeks and it just so happens that i have an empty fish tank that would be...