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  1. R

    New Celestial Pearl Danios in trouble. Clamped rear fins and some splotches

    Good to know. Thanks for the info. My Ich-x treatment that I am currently using has Malachite Green and formaldehyde in it. so hopefully if it is velvet then that will help take care of it. I am on day two of treatment with that. I went ahead and ordered some Kanaplex and Sulfaplex to treat...
  2. R

    New Celestial Pearl Danios in trouble. Clamped rear fins and some splotches

    Good suggestions. I have ordered some aquarium salt from Fritz aquatics, and I am going to pick up a little 5.5 gallon tank as a hospital tank from petco's aquarium sale today. Although I might just treat the entire tank and do the aggressive water changes just in case there is something sort...
  3. R

    New Celestial Pearl Danios in trouble. Clamped rear fins and some splotches

    The 20ppm nitrate is probably partly due to my Easy Green fertilizer. I use it on all of my tanks and my nitrates kind of bounce around from 0-20 depending on plant uptake. It could be though that these CPD's are more sensitive than the rest of my fish.
  4. R

    New Celestial Pearl Danios in trouble. Clamped rear fins and some splotches

    Additional info. Water changes about 10% once a week. I have begun to treat with ICH-X in case it is fungal in nature on advise from a fellow fishkeeper friend. I don't think it is Ich, but my understanding is that it can help with some other fungal issues. Obviously if this is bacterial...
  5. R

    New Celestial Pearl Danios in trouble. Clamped rear fins and some splotches

    Three of my CPD's have clamped back and dorsal fins. I have a handful of cherry shrimp and 11 CPD's in a somewhat heavily planted 10 gallon tank. Tank is fully cycled and been around for a long time. Parameters are Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates about 20 PH approx 7.4 Temp 73 KH 5 GH 8...
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