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  1. M

    My mollys a bully

    Ok, I bought this pair of gold mollies and the female is being a right so-and-so, she was pretty aggressive for the first week then calmed down for a week or so, and now shes back with a vengence! She is chasing and nipping everyone in the tank, especially the gouramis, who are, by the way...
  2. M

    corys, plecs and dwarf cichlids

    i currently have 2 corys, and hope to get 2 pairs of red breasted flag cichlid at some point in the new year. Will the corys be ok with them? - and its a 4ft tank so i was thinking that i'd need a couple of algae eaters - i love plecs but wasnt sure if they would upset the corys or the cichlids...
  3. M

    stupid fish

    i'm pleased to announce my nitrites r a resounding zero lol I have no idea about anything else as i have only that test kit at present but i'm doing 25% water changes weekly at present.
  4. M

    stupid fish

    lol - the wound is 1 to 1 and a half inches not the fish lol - not sure bout foam might get in the water? - would a plastic drip tray be better do you think? replace the glass?
  5. M

    stupid fish

    one of my opaline gourami keeps on jumping out the water, I have a glass sliding cover on it so it keeps banging against it. I was dozing on the settee today and heard a bang so looked and saw the water surface swishing around but fish seemed ok. i looked this evening when i fed them and this...
  6. M

    Does anyone NOT like sand?

    i have used it and love it , but only slight downside is that you can see their poo lying on the top of the sand! I have used silica sand which is especially white so worse than most for showing poo roflmao but still its great - the corys love it :kana:
  7. M

    plant id

    thanks for the response, looked thro the piccies but cant quite find a match, very simular tho. I'll post a piccie when my brother brings my digi cam lead back lol! thanks again xoxox Miggi
  8. M

    plant id

    had a look at a piccie - thats not it - more like a fern leaf thanks anyway xoxoxoxox
  9. M

    plant id

    Hi again lol, I've been to the fish shop and brought (chips!! :lol: ) sorry couldnt resist :rolleyes: - a piece of bogwood with a plant attached, i asked the bloke what it was and he said 'just some kind of moss' :dunno: I've had java moss before, and its not quite the same. I will try and...
  10. M

    dwarfs cichlid/rams

    if i put rams in my 48" by 12" by 15", how many pairs should i get? I thought 2 would be ok, considering i hope they will breed. will they pick on each other? Same question for flags or keyholes - can u think of any other cichlid types that would easily be suited to a medium sized community (no...
  11. M

    which dwarf cichlid??

    Actually i am not sure if will be able to get hold of them here, it seems that no shop has them, I have left details with one to see if they can - just have to wait and see. :( . I can get rams easily tho, and normal flags. Thanks for the replies peeps!!!
  12. M

    Layout help please

    Hi, I'm trying to set up my 4 ft tank to a high standard of planted tank. The slight prob i have is I bought the tank with fish in already so am starting kind of half way through lol. I do not have another tank to be able to put them in while i fiddle so am trying to work out in advance exactly...
  13. M

    hi all

    Hi I just found this site and love it already lol, I have a 4 ft tank with 3 gourami 4 swords and 2 corys, I have recently returned to this hobby, i used to keep guppies and kribs and bits and bobs over 12 years ago. Hoping to go for something alittle different this time. I am a full time mum...
  14. M

    which dwarf cichlid??

    Hi, i'm a newbie here! Just a quickie for you, I have a 4 ft tank with 2 corys, 4 swordtails, 1 kissing gourami and 2 opaline gourami. I would really love to keep a type of dwarf but am unsure which one. i had set my heart on 'laetacara dorsigeri' a beautiful fish but i want to be sure i choose...