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  1. T


    thank you for the information B)
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    What Behavior Do I Look For In Mating Pairs?

    I have two blue gouramis in a tank together both behaving quite well towards each other and now there is agression from the female she was paler than the male and now she is just as colorful
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    My Blue Gourami Has Killed

    Thank you for the information, sadley until I can afford another large tank he is stuck in my five gallon isolation tank by himself. I hope he will be ok until then, whish him luck. 20 gallons, and he killed one of each
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    My Blue Gourami Has Killed

    I had him/her (How do confirm the sex ?) in a tank with some tetras and angel fish. What is the best fish to put in with him/her? I do not want any more fish to suffer due to my ignorance? :blush:
  5. T

    My Blue Gourami Has Killed

    He has killed two other fish, does this mean that he needs to be by himself? :unsure: :unsure: