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  1. P

    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    I was thinking about goby...Would that be alright (where there will be no otos)? I am getting a bigger tank, and am collecting suggestions :unsure:
  2. P

    Guppy - Saltwater?

    hi Well I wouldn't wanna do this, I just tought I could share...Cause I didn't realize that either... well about lion fish that it shouldn't eat FW fish...Who would buy marine fish for that? I mean they are so expensive and everything... (OK - that was off topic - sorry)
  3. P

    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    abou tank size...I don't aczually have the other tank yet, but I will buy it soon because I want to keep guppies seperated. I currently have 20 g tank, but the other can be bigger ;) Tanks for the suggestion - any other?
  4. P

    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    HI! I know this is a tough one...But I would want to add fish that would go together with guppies. I currently have one aquarium (and one quarantine aquarium) in which I have guppy fry and an adult female guppy along with two ottos. But I am planing to separate the guppies (males, females) and...
  5. P

    Guppy - Saltwater?

    Hello! I was reading about guppies and someone informed me (he has been breeding fish for 30 yrs) that guppies can be in marine aquariums! Not just adding a little salt - really salt water. He also said that few people realize that. What do you think?
  6. P

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?!

    hm..I know I couldn't keep it in the tank :) I was just curious, because I have never seen a fish like that before...
  7. P

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?!

    here we go again...
  8. P

    Please Tell Me It Isn't So...

    I am relieved to read this :) I was affraid that they were correct.... Cause I used to have a CAE in my tank (with goldfish and pleco) for two years and he never showed any aggresion...But because I was informed that they can become really aggressive I gave him away after I put my goldfish in a...
  9. P

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?!

    Does this fish really exist? What is it?Fri 12.29.06
  10. P

    Please Tell Me It Isn't So...

    I copied this information from: It goes like that: "Don't buy dwarf suckermouth catfish (otocinclus affinis), sometimes sold as "algae eaters". These are small bottom feeders about one to one and a half inches long. Greenish-grey to muddy yellow...
  11. P

    What Shrimp With Guppies, Rasbora.....

    HI I have problems with algae - there really isn't a lot of them, but it is seen on some plants. I have two ottos and guppies. I was thinking of adding some shrimp - but I don't want it to be eaten and I also don't want him to eat my fish. Any suggestions?
  12. P

    Can I Add Fish?

    Hi so you think galaxy or rainbow fish... Why do you think it's best to avoid mixing guppies with pencil fish (nanostomasare pencil fish, right?) or tetras?
  13. P

    Otocinclus - Algae Eaters?!

    HI! Would it be alright if the otos I add are not the same species? Would they school together or not? But I also heard that some ghost shrimps catch and eat guppies (also adult) so I am worried about that... Is there any shrimp that wouldn't eat guppies and similar sized fish but wouldn't be...
  14. P

    Can I Add Fish?

    Hi! I Have 2 otocinclus to eat algae and on this forum they suggested me to buy some more (4) and maybe a ghost shrimp for the algae. I Haven't decided on that one yet...I do one to add one or to otos more, though. In the thank there are guppy fry and one adult female guppy. I would really like...
  15. P

    Otocinclus - Algae Eaters?!

    hi! But wouldn't guppies eat the shrimp?
  16. P

    Otocinclus - Algae Eaters?!

    HI! I have two otocinclus sp. in my tank - they were bought to clean algae as well as to add diversity to the tank. But I would like them to clean algae...And that doesn't seem to be working... So why don't they eat algae? What should I do to convince them to eat algae? I also have an unknown...
  17. P

    A Couple Of Questions On Guppies

    I dont wanna start a new topic so here is my question... I have around 15 fry guppies and one adult fenale guppy, along with two otocinclus. I had 8 guppies but others died because of some disease - they died within a week when I bought them from a pet shop... Anyway - the first day I got them...
  18. P

    What Kind Of Catfish Is Mine?

    I'll try to do that... I went thrue the list again and the specie he resembles the most is on the link : A photo of juvenile. But mine (well I don't know the gender really - it could also be she :blush: ) is darker (black, not...
  19. P

    What Kind Of Catfish Is Mine?

    OK - he doesn't look like L001 either... I went to a pet shop in our capital city and they had some gibbiceps and mine is definetely not it! There were juveniles and adult fish and none looked like him! The pattern is different - in juveniles and adults. my fish is primarily black with small...
  20. P

    What Kind Of Catfish Is Mine?

    hm..As for the better photo...I had a lot ofproblems taking that one...He is ussually in the back of aquarium, behind plants, in hiding or just swiming (when I feed him) - but I don't have a good camera...So I can only take his photo when he is still and in a full view... Ok, I will also look...
  21. P

    What Kind Of Catfish Is Mine?

    hm...but I just looked for the Gibbiceps on the planetcatfish, but the coloration is totally different...Mine has more like dots, not that lepard pattern...He has a lot of black skin, and there are brownish dots that are a bit longer than they are wide. On the dorsal fin he has dots more closely...
  22. P

    What Kind Of Catfish Is Mine?

    ok, tnx I will look at the species you told me he could belong to... Ok, if he gets too big, I will give him away to somebody, but he is so cute... :blush: I like him a lot, the little dragon :) Than you think I better give him away now, and start looking at new species? Cause I really want to...
  23. P

    What Kind Of Catfish Is Mine?

    HI! I am new to this forum, I did read some posts but I only just registered. I want to know what kind of pleco is mine. He was sold to me when I said I needed some algaea eater to go with my gold fish. But I discovered that all plecos need warmer water ... I put my goldfish in pond (our garden...
  24. pleco.jpg

