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  1. C

    2 Tanks are crashing

    Thank you very very much for the feedback. All the new fish are dead, and within the last 24 hours most of my fish are back to normal, seems the tanks have weathered the storm, never again will I get fish from Petsmart :) just the regular fish store I bought all the other fish from. Out of...
  2. C

    2 Tanks are crashing

    Here is the situation. 2 tanks both concurrently suffering same problems. The first tank is a 55gal. with cardinals, callistas, rummy noses and a friendly pleico. This tank has been established and running good for 14 months, no ammonia, no nitrite's and extremely low nitrates (could never get...
  3. C


    oh, I am sorry. The tank has cardinals, neon tetras, rummy noses, a corry and a pleco named "Gimpy"
  4. C


    I have a question. I am fairly familiar and have been raising a community tank with cardinals, tetras, rummy nose with a pleco and a corry that hang out. We recently removed some Hatchets because they were too aggressive with our other fish. We were looking for fish that might be compatible...