Search results

  1. DailyLunatic

    Anyone else raising fish for food??? Now with pictures of the Harvest!

    Wife wants to put a few bales of straw into the pond. I suppose it will promote infusoria. I've been hatching a 1/4 capsule of Moina (similar to Daphnia, but smaller and more heat resistant.) and then introducing that to the ponds about once a week for a while now. Trying to build up an eco...
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  3. DailyLunatic

    Anyone else raising fish for food??? Now with pictures of the Harvest!,such%20as%20a%20pack%20rat) Living in the country most of my life, we always dug a pit to dump kitchen scraps into. Like a compost pile, but with food and such. -sterling
  4. DailyLunatic

    Anyone else raising fish for food??? Now with pictures of the Harvest!

    I have two 5m x 15m x 2.5x ponds, I've just started. We are a bit out of order on the Order of Operations on them as the wife keeps jumping the gun (I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say, she thinks she is helping.) I wanted to drill a well (solar) and dig the ponds on either side of it...
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  6. DailyLunatic

    Suggestion for adding Aquaculture Forum...

    While I had seen the Forum for 'Horses, Farm and Work Animals', it had never occurred to me to look there for information on Fish Ponds. No. Sorry. I'll check it out. -sterling
  7. DailyLunatic

    Title change

    Found Account Details, but there is no box or field related to 'title'. -sterling
  8. DailyLunatic

    New emoji request

    I am officially old. Had no clue what 'flossing' was. Had to look it up. -sterling
  9. DailyLunatic

    Suggestion for adding Aquaculture Forum...

    I am trying to get an personal Aquaculture fish pond started (i.e. non-business), and do not see a forum dedicated to that. As we have a forum for non-fish (horses, goats, etc.) would it not be possible to have one for issues related to personal Aquaculture (tilapia, catfish, prawn, crayfish...
  10. DailyLunatic

    Ugh, duckweed

    Well, of the initial 1kg of duckweed that died overnight, I do not. Thought I did, and looked, but nothing. I do of the Azolla. Unfortunately, it is slowly being burned out. Pics are from Jul 11, Jul 15, & Jul 16. To those that suggested shade trees. Sorry, no trees on the property. We...
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  17. DailyLunatic

    Ugh, duckweed

    It disappeared. I can't testify to its color. When received, the first batch of Duckweed was approx. 1kg, a dark green color, and stank to high heavens. Took one half day for it to disappear, and two days for the stink to wash off my hands. Cut to present. - Day before yesterday I received two...
  18. DailyLunatic

    Ugh, duckweed

    I wasn't sure on the duckweed, light wise. I read a lot of conflicting information. Duckweed was cheep, (less that $2 for the kilo) so I gave it a go first. It died overnight, so I'm not thinking flow rate would not be enough to cause a die-off so quickly. In fact, I dispersed about 2:00 pm...
  19. DailyLunatic

    Ugh, duckweed

    This week I bought a kilo of duckweed for my two ponds. Looked good and healthy, but arrived stinking to high heavens (so might have been dead from the outset. dunno.). Divided into two portions and tossed into the ponds within 30 minutes of arrival. Next day, gone. Only a very few white bits...
  20. DailyLunatic

    What can you NOT put with Sandfall?

    My concern is that the snail (shrimp, cory, etc.) is bigger than the inlet to the venturi, thus clogging it and unable to get out. I am less concerned that they go for a ride. Never seen one that went trough a pump. Always venturi. Seems the sand would erode the impellors over time, but, I...
  21. DailyLunatic

    Does it matter what type of paint I use on the OUTSIDE of an aquarium?

    As long as no overspray gets inside, the orientation of the tank does not matter. If you lay the tank on its side, cover the top with paper or cloth and secure (painter's tape?). Personally, I'd do the same for the sides, so I did not have to clean or scrape afterwards. Using several light...
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  23. DailyLunatic

    Does it matter what type of paint I use on the OUTSIDE of an aquarium?

    Cover the top with paper, cloth, etc. to prevent overspray, or invert and spray with top down. Probably not an issue, but better safe, than sorry. -sterling
  24. DailyLunatic

    What can you NOT put with Sandfall?

    So, my next tank will be 60gal (approx) display, with a Sandfall. I‘be seen multiple build videos, so my question is not related to that. I want to know what kinds of critters I should NOT consider. I’m worried they will become caught in the sand return. Obviously, free swimming fish would...
  25. DailyLunatic

    Hydra in Daphnia tanks

    As I understand, not every snail will eat Hydra. 'Pond' snails are supposed to, but that sounds like just a generic term to me. The Thailand (actually an invasive species from South America) Apple Snail, and/or Golden Snail will eat Hydra. They are literally everywhere here, and I crunch dry...
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  29. DailyLunatic

    What stage of fish keeping are you?

    A couple of things are out of order for me. Where is, "I sold everything I owned, moved to another country, and now have to start all over"? When I left I was somewhere about here: 10-Now you have 2-3 tanks 11-Fully-planted biotopes--what is aquascaping? Going to pick back up with aquascaping...
  30. DailyLunatic

    Ugh, duckweed

    If I want to kill something, all I have to do it make it grow. I 'wanted' duckweed in my tank and could keep it going. -sterling
  31. DailyLunatic

    Hydra in Daphnia tanks

    We are starting two Tilapia ponds and I thought I'd see if I could design a Daphnia cultivation system to work along side them. A little background: I'm in Thailand, so most days are pretty warm. 55 gal barrels will be shaded, wrapped and irrigated with the overflow from the 2 gal regulating...
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