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  1. T

    Coralite Fixture Problems

    I have a Coralife Aqualite fixture with 4 65w 6700K compact fluorescent bulbs that's acting oddly. When I turn on the two rear bulbs I get great light, but the cooling fans don't run. If I turn on the front two lights both cooling fans run, but the lights are noticably dimmer. I replaced all the...
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    Help, Yellowing Plants

    Okay, here's an update. Friday morning I purchased Aqueon Aquarium plant food which contains both macro and micro nutrients. It was on sale and I figured I didn't have anything to lose. I dosed the tank with it at the prescribed level. I also added Flourish nitrogen and phosphorus. Saturday I...
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    Help, Yellowing Plants

    Well, that's part of the issue; I'm unsure of what I should be doing. I was under the impression that the Eco-complete had everything I needed. It's only been in the last week or so that I realized this isn't the case. The problem for me is the conflicting information I'm finding. I've been...
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    Help, Yellowing Plants

    I am not new to fish keeping, but I am new to planted tanks. My 55 gallon tank has been up and running for about two months. I was not seeing significant growth and the plants were starting to turn yellow so I added a CO2 system. It has been operating for about 9 days. It took a little tweaking...
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    Film On Silicone

    I resealed my tank about two months ago and just recently got time to set it up. After putting in my live plants and filling up the tank with water I noted a slightly yellow film on the silicone. It scrapes off very easily with an algae scraper. It tends to stay in a string rather than break up...
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    Recommended Amount Of Eco-Complete?

    I'm starting my first planted tank and am going to use Eco-Complete. The recommended amount on the bag is 1-2" per gallon. That seems a bit vague to me since tank volume to foot print size would not be a constant. In your experience, what would you recommend for a 55 gallon? (Foot print is 12" x...
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    New Tank Questions

    I'm in the process of setting up my first tank with live plants and have a couple questions that searching the forum did not resolve I am using a canister filter with an in-line heater in a 55 gallon tank - trying to keep as much hardware out of the tank as possible. Are there any advantages to...
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    Inline Heater With Fluval 305

    I'd like to use the ETH inline heater on the return line of my Fluval 305. My concern is the ribbed hoses on the Fluval. As far as I know they are the only ones who use such hoses. Has anyone used an ETH with the Fluval lines? Will they seal properly?