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  1. M

    Total Alkalinity, General Hardness, Carbonate Hardness

    I was trying to read an article that explained what those 3 things are and just gave up becuase I was starting to get confused. So I am just going to do it the easy and fast way. Of the total alkalinity, General Hardness, and Carbonate hardness which ones should I be testing and what number or...
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    Sick Discus

    Thank you for the reply. I was planning on keeping the nitrates lower than 30ppm all the time. Is that a good number. Also in your recommendation what is the best way to keep nitrates down. i.e. adding plants etc. Thank you
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    Sick Discus

    Hello everyone, I have a discus and he doesn't look like he is doing to good. He isn't eating and just hides in the back. He has been like this for 2 weeks. Is there anything I can do for him. This is during my cycling stage. The ammonia is around . 4 ppm while the nitrite is about 2 ppm...
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    Help With Plants

    Fertilizer. I thought that live plants just used the existing nitrates in the tank for fertilizer, for co2 I thougt that they just got that from the fish that are in there and for light you use one of those sun bulbs. I was going to replace the fake plants with live plants inorder to keep the...
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    Help With Plants

    Hello, Thanks for helping. Is there anything complicated about planting new plants in a tank. Can you just use the existing rocks in the bottom of the aquarium to plant them in. Should I have to feed them often if the nitrates get low. What else should I know about placing plants in new...
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    High Reading Of Ammonia

    Big pump to size of tank I have ;)
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    High Reading Of Ammonia

    Ok how about this one. If the biological filter that I have on there right know isn't adequate then add another biological filter and so on until I have enough biological fiters to support this amount of fish. Another thought, I was thinking about shuting off the pump for about 30 minutes...
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    High Reading Of Ammonia

    I meant 50 percent continual water changes in one day. So do a 50 percent water change then measure for ammonia and if it still isn't down then do it again and again until I get a .5 ppm reading. Might be alittle extreme but I plan on adding bio-spira immediately after I do these water changes...
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    High Reading Of Ammonia

    I just did a test for ammonia in my fish tank(I have fish in it already) and got a very high reading of 6 ppm. What is the best way to lower it. I plan on doing 50 percent water changes continually until it is down to about .5 ppm. I am concerned that moving so much water out and placing so...
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    Proper Level Of Water

    The main reason that I am asking this though is cause I think I have overstocked the tank some so the more water in there the better. The tank I have know really isn't that big at 36 gallons. every half an inch makes a big difference to me. Thanks
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    Proper Level Of Water

    Ha ha very funny Not above the top of the tank but level with the top of the tank, so the water is touching the top piece you have on the tank. Most have a top piece inorder to prevent fish from jumping out and also so the light fixture can be set on something. Here is the site though...
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    Proper Level Of Water

    Do you gyes know this one. I was reading a article and it said to always have the water lower than the top of the tank inorder to allow the fish to breath up there. It really didn't state though how low I need the water to be inorder to provide this. I suppose inorder for the water to...
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    Test Kits

    Hi all, I am looking for a test kit for nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia. I would like something more accurate than those dip ones. Any recommendations on what I should get. Thanks as always.
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    Biological Filters

    I don't know if this is a good idea or not but I unfortunately already got a canister pump the magnum 350 canister filter. It basically has a mechanical fitler in it that is a course sponge filter over a fine sponge filter and then a container that can hold about 4 cups of whatever. The...
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    Biological Filters

    How much bio-media is necessary though for a 36 gallon tank. I assume that it all depends on what bio-media you use so what is the best bio-media out there as well. Thank you.
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    Biological Filters

    What do you gyes consider to be the best biological filter for a 36 gallon tank. I have heard that the bio-wheel pros are the best around. I have read that they are easy to maintain and excellent at being a biological filter cause they are exposed to the air. What in your opinion is the best...
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    Well that was quite educating.:teacher: I always assumed that aerators directly put oxygen in the water but I guess it all happens at surface contact or better yet good circulation. That first article stated that circulation of water is much better at providing oxygen to the fish that any...
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    But this article as do alot of other articles I read say that aeration does matter. This is that site . Or you can just read this What is aeration and do I need it? Aeration is a process of re-oxygenating the water in the tank. It does this by...
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    Hi all, I read an article that said that aerators aren't need and that they don't actually put oxygen in the water but rather only increase the surface area and circulation of the tank. Is that true? This is the website and also here...
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    Just redid the ammonia test today. The reading was high. I think I have dun my fish in. Plan is to start doing as you suggested and increase the water changes by 25 percent everyday. I was able to get those rocks though. I got about a cup full of rocks. Anyother suggestions. Thanks for...
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    I purchase an ammonia test kit at the store and it tells me all is good. Hopefully I am doing the test right though sense I have messed up on almost everything else. Oh well, we live we learn right. I have a friend at the pet store so mayby she will be a pale and give me some rocks from one...
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    Well I didn't do my research when I set up this second tank. I thought that when setting up a new tank all you do is fill with water, place fish in, and just keep a filter going. Unfortunately there are fish in there and I really don't want to loose them. I test regularily for ammonia levels...
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    Is there anyway that I can make this bacteria bloom thing go faster. The tank is still white. We put a larger filter system with pump with the hopes it might help. It has gotten alittle bit clearer but not much. Perhaps I could introduce some rocks from an already established tank or do...
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    Got it. That was a very informative article on the topic. I got a test kit and my ammonia levels are actually low. Probably because I have been changing some of the water out to try and get rid of the whitish haze in the tank. Perhaps the test kit was wrong though. I did it twice. Anything...
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    Thank you very much for the replies. It became cloudy after about 1 week and the cloudiness is white in color. It is most likely a bacteria bloom starting up in there and so I should give it some time to settle. I never knew that new tanks go through a bacteria bloom. Will this happen...
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    Hi all, I just bought a 36 gallon acrylic fish tank with a bow front. I used to have a smaller 20 gallon glass tank but decided to get a larger acrylic one. Question is I set it up and everything but for some reason about a week or 2 after setup the water is cloudy. What is happening. I...